It’s suicide prevention month. I have been in that very scary place. Many have been in that very scary place.

When I couldn’t afford therapy, I used some free services. I’ll list them here in a thread. It’s a good thing to keep handy because you never know. I love you all ❤️
If you feel you are an immediate threat to yourself, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Emotional listening support hotline for if you aren’t feeling like a danger to yourself, but could really use someone to vent or talk to: 1-800-932-4616
The Samaratins, am emotional support hotline for anyone who calls feeling lonely, depressed, suicidal, or just are looking for someone to talk to (call or text): 877-870-4673
Trevor Project Lifeline, a lifeline for LGBT youth in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk: 866-488-7386
Crisis Text Line, for if you need someone to talk to but aren’t quite comfortable talking on the phone: Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime and someone will answer you
I know it may seem like a goofy or dumb thing to do, but every single one of these services has trained people on the other end

I can assure you I have found it easier and less embarrassing than opening up to someone in my personal life and I’m able to be more honest with them.
Sometimes, especially when you’re in full-blown crisis mode and feeling so alone, just the sound of another person’s voice can be transformative.
Love all of you. My DMs are always open for absolutely anything at all. I promise.
You can follow @BaileyCarlin.
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