if you’re reading this tweet, tap on it!
hi! how are you doing? did you get enough to eat today? enough to drink? if you didn’t, please do, you are worth so much and definitely worth enough to eat at least three meals a day 🥺🥺
i know life seems tough right now, you may be stressed, confused, lost, sad, hurt and all of those things and more. trust me. it gets better. sometimes it seems like the world is spinning too fast and you can’t catch up. so don’t. take as much time as you need to heal and +
eventually, baby steps after more baby steps, you’ll get there. you’ll catch up. so don’t feel bad if you think you’re falling behind, many people are running the same race as you and you are definitely not alone. don’t be afraid to get help, to reach out, people will be +
there for you. and if no one in your personal life is, i’m here! shoot me a dm and we can talk about it!
being part of mcyttwt comes with many triumphs and unfortunately, struggles. the feeling of missing a stream, or waiting on twitter for something big to happen is a feeling i know to well. counting up the numbers of followers you have and how many like a tweet racks up. +
i know you may heard it before, and i definitely heard it as well but it’s true, the numbers on your screen don’t mean anything. at the end of the day, we’re all stan accounts, who cares if someone has 1000 followers or 100. we all are here for minecraft youtubers. +
it’s as simple as that. and i know, it’s so easy to let numbers on a screen dictate your life and your happiness, which is why you shouldn’t be afraid to take a break. the streams you want to watch will still be there. the videos you’ve missed will also still be there. hell +
the tweets on your timeline will still be there. focus on your mental health and physical health.
another point i want to bring up is group chats. i feel like there’s a stereotype and pressure for everyone to talk in a group chat 24/7 otherwise the group chat is considered “dead” it’s completely fine if group chats you’ve been in are talking constantly or you haven’t heard +
from them in a while. if you haven’t talked in a long time, pop in and say hi! check up on everyone! one of my closest group chats don’t even talk often if i’m honest 💀💀 moral of the story is don’t sacrifice mental or physical health on dumb numbers on a screen or tweets +
and texts. focus on you! you’ll be okay, even if you don’t feel like it right now :(

you can get through it!! i believe in you!!

PS MY DMS ARE OPEN!! don’t be afraid to text me with anything 🥺🥺
anyways, everyone who read this thread to the end is a bad bitch.

You can follow @EMERALDBLOCKED.
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