My experience the last 4 days has made me extremely sceptical about what #BackToSchool has in store for parents, teachers and children

A thread about how @ottawahealth dealt with a #COVID19 positive test at our daycare
On Thursday last week, a potential Covid case was detected during screening and sent home as per the protocol

The case was confirmed as Covid positive the next day by @ottawahealth #Ottawa
An email went out to the #Ottawa area daycare parents informing them on Saturday

@ottawahealth did not communicate with the parents directly, we were indirectly told that because our child was not in close contact, he was at low risk of infection
On Sunday, our child woke up with a runny nose, & a low grade fever

That was a scary moment, if you have children you’ll understand why

We went to the only assessment centre in #Ottawa that is open on weekends, to line up for 2 hours with hundreds of other symptomatic people
That day was stressful, waiting after the test, knowing it would take at least a day to confirm

Still no communication from @ottawahealth to parents

It was a sleepless night
At 5:29am, received the email notification that our #COVID19 test results were negative, relief

The daycare is closed, so we juggled time with the kids while trying to get some work done

At this point, we assume that no news from @ottawahealth was good news
Today, three pieces of news from the daycare, via @ottawahealth

#1- The case from Friday was a false positive

#2- Another case was detected from among the group of people who went to get tested Sunday

#3- Those who tested negative on Sunday should not rely on the result
The daycare staff are amazing, caring professionals who deserve constant praise

They are not public health experts however, and rely on the advice from #ottawa public health to inform parents and staff
Many people made decisions about going to work, childcare, visiting family or simply leaving the house to get groceries based on those test results

It’s been 96 hours since the first “positive” case

Still no formal communication from @ottawahealth on this
There are a reported 313 daycare facilities and 143 schools in #Ottawa

A similar incident in any one could cause a major outbreak

A 48 hour testing lag, and a 96 hour information vacuum simply cannot be acceptable
You can follow @quito_maggi.
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