I've officially finished watching The Ambition of Oda Nobuna.
This is my first anime review in a looong time.
My thoughts?
It's surprisingly quality.
There's genuine suspense, interesting twists and turns, fun characters, and a fairly refreshing take on the genre. https://twitter.com/EntityofJustice/status/1300568408581435396
I really only have 3 big problems with it.
1) The pacing kinda sucks. A lot of events don't have very much build up at all. Since this is fairly historically based, maybe they expected people to know the events beforehand, but I don't know shit about history, so I was lost a bit.
2) The characters are overly sexualized.
Big surprise, right? An anime where the main character is male and most of the other characters are women is too sexual??
For the most part, though, it's not TOO heinous. Definitely not enough to kill it for me. Just... disappointing...
While I'm on the topic of sexualization, the first Tweet in this thread included a video wherein a character has a lisp and I wonder if she'll be an annoying, bad depiction of the disability or just a general conclusion.
I'm happy to report that, overall, they did a decent job.
Her lisp isn't over the top, she doesn't talk too often, they don't play it for laughs (except for a few times where it's actually pretty tame. Not like "haha, she has a disability", more like "haha, she and Monkey get along well, they're kinda like siblings.")
However, you may have noticed I started this tangent with "speaking of sexualization", and unfortunately that does mean what you likely dreaded.
There's a very minor character attracted to her specifically because of her lisp.
That's the grossest the sexualization gets.
Which, granted, is supremely gross and frankly disgusting and potentially even more disgusting since she's very small and stated to be "young", but it's rarely ever brought up, and by the time it is, you're likely already hooked.
I should mention.
Lots of small women in this.
I specify "small" specifically because no character has their age outright stated.
And most of the small characters don't get sexualized at all besides hinting that they have unrequited love for the main character.
But you know.
It's Japan.
They're kinda fucked up.
It's entirely possible there was more grossness I just didn't notice.
I dunno.
I just feel it's worth mentioning.
But hey, remember when I said the other girls have unrequited love for the main character?
That's actually a bonus.
The show isn't a harem anime.
Thank fuck.
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