Channeling Carl Bersgtrom: calling bullshit on droplets vs aerosols

@dan_diekema responded to my criticism, and I responded at the bottom of the thread. But reposting since it may be missed otherwise.
Thanks for the response, but I beg to differ.
- Video is in YouTube accessible to everyone
- Friend on Iowa telling me that it's being used by institutions to dismiss aerosol controls
- Interventions ARE different. Aerosols need more than droplets. See 
- And just a perfect example of the prevailing view that is making progress difficult
- E.g. my native Spain, "WHO and droplet country", lots of plans for schools, no mention of increasing ventilation whatsoever. The same in lots of places, also in Boulder till we pushed
- Sorry to have to take this approach, nothing personal, but we are in an emergency, and this stance is greatly slowing progress
- Pandemic is transmitted in community, need to communicate clearly to them, give the best tools to protect themselves
5/ Always some bad stuff being published in aerosol science (that has nothing to do with disease transmission). You won't find me ever criticizing it in a public forum like this. But we are in a global emergency, ppl are dying, and this stance is blocking progress
And for the record, I view the "continuum" argument as flawed. Yes, there is some transition in properties vs. size, but < 100 um can linger in the air and be inhaled, and don't have enough inertia to behave as droplets. > 300 um opposite in all counts.
So large droplet vs aerosol has a pretty clear separation, with a "no man's land" between 100 and 300 um. And that is extremely useful to understand the issue.

And once you understand that, you realize that droplets don't matter unless cough or sneeze.
So if it is aerosols, let's call them aerosols! Then we can use the extensive existing knowledge to protect against them smartly: 

Which does apply to HCW. It just has little to do with the traditional "airborne like measles"
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