Thinking about how whenever people are driven away from the left by leftists' racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic/ableist behavior, those leftists are like "well then clearly you weren't committed to leftist values in the first place," but in actuality-
those leftists are the ones who aren't committed to their own values. They'll throw them away in an instant just to attack anyone who has the slightest disagreement with them over anything.
If you're being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, etc. just to bash people for not sharing 100% of your views, you're not being progressive.
You can fight fascism & conservatism and promote progressive policies and values without undermining those same values.

And I'm not trying to tone police, by the way; you don't have to be nice about it. But don't go directly against the things you say you stand for.
Because that behavior makes it clear that it was never really about any of those values in the first place. It was all performative. All for clout and power.

You don't actually want to help anyone, you just want to be in an exclusive in-group where you can feel morally superior-
-to everyone else while shirking all accountability for your own biases and discriminatory behaviors.

So humble yourself and learn some commitment before you go demanding commitment and loyalty from others.
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