So BRZRKR..backers get trades the same time shops do in 9/2021, 3/2022 and 9/2022, but the series is monthly, 12 issues total and #1 drops in a month? So backers get to read the first four issues eight months after #4 is in stores? And vol. 3 (#9-12) a year after the series ends?
They've made it pretty blatantly clear that they expect KS backers to also buy individual issues when they come out, but a lag that huge is a shitty thing to do to a customer who just gave you $100+.
I see what BOOM was trying to get at, they want to identify people interested enough in the book to pre-order it and have a direct line to remind them to go buy the individual issues monthly on top of what they've already bought.
But that's...what mailing lists are for. Kickstarter is for people trying to make their book happen at all--it's not a place for established companies with ample resources to play with wacky marketing ideas and try to get people to buy the same book twice. This is a bad look.
"People recognize the Kickstarter brand and we figured hey, why not try to leverage that brand in a way that's fully counter to the fundamental concepts upon which the site was founded?"

Whoever greenlit this at @Kickstarter needs to get their head examined.
The comics section of @kickstarter has slowly gone to hell since they let Camilla Zhang go. Stuff like this, unlicensed IP use all over the place...disappointing.
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