#1 BIG TIP IF YOU ARE THINKING OF STARTING A WEEKLY WEBTOON: Take every possible artistic shortcut. You might not like how simple your art gets, but trust me, the you of a year from now will fucking thank you.
Its been a while since I've done illustrations, but on the left is what my "default" art looked like before I started the webtoon. I simplified it to the right, and at first it looked SO bare bones, but I got used to it and can draw 80 panels a week no problem....
Here is a list of shortcuts you can take!
-Do not draw your backgrounds, use 3D models or photos(like i do, make sure you have usage rights)
-Reuse your lineart. A face looking forward only has so many variations. Put your effort into impact scenes (fights, etc)
-One shading layer. Maybe one highlight if you need it (hair). If you want gradiation, do it after the art is done with overlays (multiply, overlay, soft light,etc)
-Create a color key and stick to it, mood can be determined with post-production lighting.
-If a character is saying a long sentence, just reuse the panel a few times till theyre done talking lol
-Simplify your character designs as much as possible. Rely on broad shapes to convey individuality, not detail
-You don't always have to draw a character to explain an idea. You can use effects, shapes, silhouettes, etc. Utilize the scrolling feature of webtoon. This often will make the scene more impactful due to the deviation from direct illustration
-If a panel looks like shit, just leave it lmao. You're drawing 40+ of these a week, its just inefficient to redraw things until theyre perfect
I ate a massive lunch and fell asleep so sorry for the delay but here's some examples directly from my comic!

-Background shortcuts: Using images! All of these are spliced images and drawn over!
Reuse your lineart:
Creating gradiation/mood through overlays:
Reusing panels until a character is done talking:
Simplification of character design- I rely on the shape of Scarlet's cape to identify her rather than piling knick-knacks on her body. With Satan, I use his wings. With brook, his stupid rabbid headband
Usage of easy art/silhouettes to tell a story rather than direct illustrations
Aaand just letting panels that look like shit, look like shit, because youll draw way better panels in the future that the reader will remember and appreciate \\o/
O fuck i almost forgot this one- CSP has 3D dolls you can use!!! I use these as a base a lot of the time so i dont have to sketch. Note: If you trace them your art WILL look wonky. Natural-looking art doesnt follow 3D models. Use them as a very loose guideline.
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