cops have some of the highest rates of anxiety disorders of any profession, which can partially account for why they’re prone to react so rashly. (1/5)
they’re some of the most extraordinarily paranoid people because the propaganda in their profession tells them that everyone is out to get them. this system puts extraordinary pressures and stress onto the psyches of these people. cops don’t just hurt out communities, (2/5)
they hurt themselves mentally and emotionally by being part of such a dysfunctional system. perhaps more than any of us, cops are the frontline warriors of the capitalist class, endangering their lives as well as the lives of poor people and BIPOC in service of capital. (3/5)
abolishing the police and abolishing capitalism isn’t just a great service to ourselves and our communities, it does a service to the people who would become cops by removing the opportunity to subject themselves such horror. (4/5)
this thread isn’t meant to sympathize with murderers among the police, but to remind ourselves that it is systems and institutions and propaganda that corrupt us, and that most people, at their core, are not inherently evil. we must dismantle and abolish these institutions.(5/5)
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