Will be covering a special @cityofames council meeting on a proposed mask mandate for @KCCINews tonight. Here’s what one councilmember has to say about it. ⬇️ https://twitter.com/rachelforames/status/1300877110853226496
Covering @cityofames council meeting now. Motion to reconsider mandate w/o enforcement fails 3-3. @KCCINews
Looks like mandate being changed from wear a mask when not “6 feet away from others” to “6 feet away from others not in the person’s household.”

Councilman Tim Gartin says if there was an enforcement mechanism, how would you enforce that? @KCCINews
. @cityofames City Attorney Mark Lambert notes that you could say that about a lot of elements of the mandate. @KCCINews
Amendment does go through though @KCCINews
So far 10 people are set to comment. @KCCINews
Speaker Dixon Jensen (sp?) has an idea: No penalty, publicize importance of the ordinance. Says @AmesPolice should reward those for following social distancing practices. Willing to donate $10K for gift certificates for Ames restaurants. @KCCINews
Dickson Jensen would be the proper spelling here. Doing my best guesses tonight.
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