I think non-voting is a bad left strategy, too.

The problem is that the establishment Dems still do this when the left DOES vote, too. See: both Obama terms, the Squad’s treatment by establishment Dems post-2018. https://twitter.com/angryblacklady/status/1300438865233154051
Here’s the thing: The Dems had the exact same problem with both the progressives and the moderate Republicans in 2016: Neither group voted for them in sufficient numbers, at least in their eyes, to carry them to victory in 2016.
Same basic problem with each group. But they HANDLED the same problem with each group in two diametrically opposite ways.
With the Republicans? The Dems’ approach was to kiss their ass. Court them. Whitewash their past sins and welcome them with open arms. Invite their sacred icons to a seat at the table and speaking slots at their convention.
With the progressives? The Dems did the exact opposite. Scolded them. Shamed them. Disrespected them. Fought tooth and nail to deny them a bigger seat at the table. Stubbornly saying NO to their most reasonable wishes like Medicare For All amidst a pandemic.
Disrespecting them TO curry favor with the Republicans.
I get trying to attract the moderate Republicans but did they have to try to drive away progressives so hard just to to it?
What was it? Generational spite? Or being more drawn to the crowd who enables you to be worse rather than the crowd that pushes you to be better?
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