In 2014, the year I got admitted into university, I had a life changing encounter.

I used to be a very religious individual: full of exuberance, love, passion and integrity. I mastered the art of memorizing and reciting bible verses like a monk.

In a nutshell, I was a strong christian brother.
My inspiration came from one special person I idolized for all my life (whose name I would like to keep anonymous). He had a thing about speech. No one could match his articulation and oratory. He spoke me into Christianity. I am talking about the pinnacle of my Christian life.
I lived in the same house with my grandparents(though my parents are still alive), so I was brought up the old fashioned way. These folks were registered and approved Roman Catholics. Passionate and quite staunch in their religious beliefs.
As for me, all along, I didn't really like the Roman Catholics faith, as I was more into Protestants & 'miracle-men' churches.
Although, religious as I was, I still questioned my faith objectively. I did this all the time.

One afternoon, when my curiosity crossed its boundaries
So I asked him this "Why do Roman Catholics mount idols of Mary and Jesus in the church?" This was a month before school reopened.
This man has been my sole caretaker through and through. He had undying love for me, and my charisma. I even worked in his company after senior high. In spite of the love and admiration in place, this simple question sparked a brief moment of derision, anger and resentment.
The next day, I was summoned in front of my uncles, my grandma, my aunties, my dad and a couple of strangers. I was bombarded with hard questions, insulted, shammed and pelted with throes of ridicule. All because I questioned the Catholic doctrines!

Throughout, I was in awe🥺
At the end, my beloved grandad threatened to end my education: he revolted angrily saying "I Will No More Help You Enrol In The University IN THE NAME OF GOD".

Immediately, I went down on my knees and started begging.
I unhesitatingly surrendered my obstinacy and clinged onto bewilderment. I wept incessantly, as I took it that God was the foil of my foolishness. "Aww God, I am sorry", I told myself.
The denouement was the moment when I rescinded from my curiosity, and remained caged within the confines of my misery. I felt lost, crushed and utterly ashamed, but all this I did to trade my quest for truth for a seemingly more important tertiary education.
Mercy found me, so I got enrolled in the uni.

I always feel traumatized when I recollect those memories. I always say it is a moment not worth recalling because that's when I really got to know how INDOCTRINATION, SOCIAL PROGRAMMING AND MENTAL CONDITIONING CAN BE DANGEROUS!!
End of Thread🙏🏾
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