BREAKING: @GovLarryHogan announces that Friday at 5 pm, all MD businesses will be allowed to open. This includes movie theaters and live theaters. Outdoor venues can have up to 250 people. All retail stores, churches, religious institutions can have 75% capacity, up from 50%.
"Moving into stage three does not mean that this crisis is behind us."
The number one activity reported by people who are contacted by contact tracers is "family gatherings."

"We tend to feel safe when we're around our family and friends" but that's when we let our guard down and don't take the same safety measures as we do elsewhere, Hogan says.
. @GovLarryHogan is asked why it's safe to open now without a vaccine, despite the initial plan he outlined in May. Hogan notes that a lot has changed since then, and they've already allowed some activities that weren't supposed to be allowed until phase 3.
On the election, @GovLarryHogan says he's worried about crowded polls. "I'm not completely confident that everything's going to go smoothly."
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