Whatever this is, the irony that everyone is all about hey look at this. What about 2016? What about what happened then. What about what it has cost us for not looking deeper. What about Journalists understanding that this whole thing goes back to the Election System. https://twitter.com/juliaioffe/status/1300771489847955456
Stay on the damn subject. Not just for a quick hey look at me moment. Stay on it because our lives depend on it. People have been screaming with real data that needs to be understood. Or not. Continue ignoring it. Belarus is lovely this time of year.
Voter Registration Systems were penetrated in 2016. Voting Vendors were hacked in 2016. A Company in charge of Maryland’s Voter Registrations was found to be owned by a Russian Oligarch. Manafort shared polling data with Russia right before the election.
Do you know why they needed that? Because they had a way of changing votes, or limiting voters. They weren’t collecting it for nostalgia. Do you know what occasionally resides on the same servers that States host their Registration files? The Tally system or software.
Still think this was a real and clean election? Something happened in the Swing States. Something happened in the Voter Registration Files and if as I have been saying for quite some time they got into the Tally System then we aren’t spending nearly enough time talking about this
In all the crazy, with all the subjects discussed, all the interviews being given it is disconcerting how rarely anyone wants to discuss the Election System. That is how we got here.
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