1/ *A thread reflecting on responses to questions raised on a united Ireland*.

First, there is plainly more thinking going on than many imagine. Serious civic thought happens outside of formal settings.
2/ Second, of course, remain conscious of the limitations of twitter (new to it all myself). However, vast majority of responses were civil and helpful. *Thank you*.
3/ Third, fairly clear support for a citizens’ assembly on planning and for a new constitution.

Not unanimous, but little doubt about the preferred outcomes here.

Good points made on framing, eg, is this all too focused on *citizens* only? What about *everyone*?
4/ Fourth, a range of views emerged on eligibility to vote, with a notable emphasis on the more inclusive options. Strong support for reducing voting age to 16, and positive references to the approach in Scotland.
5/ Fifth, much flows from your view on the continuity of *all aspects* of the Good Friday Agreement. If it remains unamended, the NI Executive and Assembly will go on. But this is not the *preferred* outcome for many. Will a future British-Irish Agreement contemplate change?
6/ Sixth, federal solutions were noted, based on existing or new models. With unitary state options also referenced, eg devolution for NI or entirely centralised. Key again here seemed to be contrasting views on the NI institutions and NI identity.
7/ Seventh, thoughts on time frame varied. Circumstances only, five years, five-seven years, 25th anniversary of GFA, by 2025, ASAP, with Star Trek featuring too. Will some sense of a time frame help or hinder the process? Most seemed to think it might help.
8/ Eighth, on making a united Ireland a success, a striking and notable focus in many responses on socio-economic guarantees in the areas of health, housing and education. Mention also of addressing inequality.
9/ Personal and limited reflections only.

Four themes stand out: (a) What does the GFA require from a united Ireland? (b) How *transformative* do you want a united Ireland to be? (c) What ingredients will allow a united Ireland to succeed? (d) And, start as you mean to go on?
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