1/ When facilitating group Zoom calls, add in one of these forms of interaction every 7-15 minutes to keep people engaged:

1. Group discussion
2. Breakout rooms
3. Group exercise
4. Demo
5. Mentor/guest cameos
6. Chat response
7. Poll

More details below 👇👇👇👇👇
2/ #1. Group discussion

Ask participants to unmute themselves, and reply to a question or a prompt. If there are too many, ask them to raise their hands and call on them

Stops working with more than ~100 attendees because back-and forth takes time, and ppl get intimidated
3/ #2. Breakout rooms

Send ppl to breakout rooms with a very clear discussion prompt, ideally 3-4 per room (if you do 2 some ppl will be alone, because some don't join breakouts)

Stops working after ~200-300 participants because 50 rooms is maximum, which is 4-6 per room
4/ #3. Group exercise

Give instructions and have participants complete them quietly on their own. No more than 2-3 minutes & provide prompts/tips every 30 seconds

Stops working after ~300-400 participants because it feels weird to spend so many people's time working alone
5/ #4. Demo

Share your screen and demonstrate a technique, action, tool, or tip live

Can work with any size group, but you have to amp up the energy and enthusiasm to make it interesting
6/ #5. Guest cameos

Even just having someone else speak can jolt people's attention. Make sure they're prepped and know exactly the point you want them to make

Can also work with any size group, but don't have too many guests or else the transitions leak time and energy
7/ #6. Chat response

Ask a question or give a prompt and have ppl enter their reply in the chat. Read a few of the responses to reflect back

Gets tricky after ~500-600 participants because the chat moves too fast to read. But you can always share it afterward
8/ #7. Poll

Polls are really awesome and underutilized. It's a very efficient way to "take the temperature" of the group in an organized way, reflect it back to them, and respond to it

Works at any size, but you have to pre-write the poll and have it ready to go
9/ Essentially any transition from one "mode" to another lights up people's change-detection neurons & jolts them into attention. The challenge is to have numerous transitions while maintaining the momentum of the call, minimizing time/energy leakages, & having it all make sense
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