can someone please read this? I'm rlly confused abt my gender and stuff and it would be nice if someone could help (it kinda long I'm sorry🥺🥺)
ok so I have they/her pronouns, but I don't feel comfortable with she/her pronouns, so you would say that I should just go with they/them pronouns
but I still feel to feminine for that like I'm still to much of a she to be non-binary, does that make sense?
also, at my school we just don't do that shit, they WONT respect my pronouns and they'll probably make fun of me so that's a thing
and my parents just don't understand these things, they don't understand non-binary I've tried to explain but they just don't understand why someone would want that
so basically im too scared to be fully non-binary cause I still feel too feminine and I don't feel (?) non-binary? I mean I do but I don't and i don't feel comfortable with she/her pronouns?
like if someone calls me a she or her I'm fine with it I guess but just rather not and I feel more comfortable with they/them
I'm not making any sense but if someone understands me please DM me or smth and help me out 🥺🥺
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