If Bellerin goes, Partey AND Aouar have to come. It's non-negotiable. He's still the best RB on the market, whether you like it or not. £45m or bounce. https://twitter.com/David_Ornstein/status/1300887916512792576
Bellerin out & Partey + Aouar in, is well worth it though. He could fully finance a move for one. Bellerin is class, but the risk is will he return to his pre-ACL levels physically. On top of that, I am still of the belief that AMN can play RB in a back 4 long-term.
AMN really has not played RB under Arteta, bar 4 games when he first came in. He's had stints at LB/LWB more than anything lately. One of the reasons, could be that AMN is used as an inverted FB & thus, can't play with Pépé who's an inverted winger (they'd occupy the same spaces)
AMN played as an overlapping FB under Emery, but under Arteta he played inverted & Pépé was being utilised as a touch-line winger, which is not ideal. Then he was switched over to LWB & played as a third midfielder in attacking phases in a 343 to help flood the midfield.
On the left, Auba plays as an outlet, on touch-line & not as a traditional winger (see goal). That’s why AMN can play inverted, Pépé can’t do that.
For AMN to play RB, he’d need to overlap = only happens if we play 433, bc there’s lesser need to flood midfield. We don’t have the profiles or quality to play 433 rn, but if we got Aouar/Partey we would. That’s why the condition for HB leaving, is that those 2 have to come in.
To those asking who’s the RB options for 20/21. Just AMN + Cedric. We move out an above average RB, that helps fund moves for two game changing midfielders. Worst case scenario AMN can’t play RB, Cedric fills in & we buy a RB in 12 months. That’s a great worst case scenario.
Like clockwork: 😁 https://twitter.com/david_ornstein/status/1300891713427439622
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