What even is a landing page?

Lots of people still don’t know what my account is about.

So let’s get into the basics of Landing Pages and Copywriting.

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A landing page is where organic traffic is directed to from ads, social media, forums, etc.

It’s goal is to turn the traffic into sales, an email submission for a list, and whatever else you could want from traffic.

They pages tend to start off something like this:
Landing pages contain 5 key elements.

1. Killer Headline
2. A lead that hooks the reader
3. Copy that explains the benefits of signing up, buying, etc
4. Testimonials/Proof
5. CTA’s sprinkled in
6. Urgency!

Let’s dissect these categories.
1. A Killer Headline

This is the first thing your reader sees. It has to hook them while also letting them know what the page is about.

This headline hooks the reader through making money, but also gives you an idea about the page.

Then a CTA to start an email list follows.
2. A lead that hooks readers like fish.

After the headline they’ll read your lead. You want to draw them in so they read the juicy parts of your page.

Airbnb does this beautifully.

“...hosts use their extra income to fund their passions.”

Who wouldn’t like to be funded?!
3. The body of your page.

This is where you want to use copywriting to display the benefits of your product/service.

Impact talks about how traffic is important for your blog, but conversions are what counts.

They then sell you into a collection that will increase conversions!
3. Proof!

You need to show that what you’re selling works!

This can be through reviews/ testimonials, or what professionals have to say about certain features.

Feed Me More Nutrition has a section based off of scientific research and scholarly articles about their ingredients!
4. CTA’s

A “Call to Action” is a button where the customer can either buy, opt in, schedule a call/anything that makes you money.

It’s vital to have a couple spread out through your page following big points and especially at the bottom of the page.
5. Urgency!

Act fast! The more time people spend thinking the less chance they’ll buy.

Creating some urgency forces them to make a quicker decision and resulting in more conversions.

When you click on Energized Health’s ad, you’re give three minutes to sign up!

Do you need all of these components for every page? No not all of the time.

You can’t always give proof and sometimes you just need a short and sweet page because of the audience you’re targeting.

You learn over time what specific groups need more than others.
Landing pages produce millions in revenue each year for companies.

Find people who need them, make it for them, sell it, rake in the $$$

Reach out to me if you ever need help or are interesting in getting a page done for yourself.

Good luck!
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