As a resident home economics teacher in this fandom I've taken it upon myself to try out awae recipes, so here's a tag boost thread no one asked for

✨Live tweeting making Marilla's plum puffs so you don't have to✨

I'm armed with my recipe and after a brief trip to Tesco I now have my ingredients (shout out to blackberry jam for the last minute substitution because tesco isn't boujee enough for the real stuff)

Two seconds in and we've already hit a stumbling block. Presumably 220°C in ye olden dayes was necessary but my oven is fan assisted 🤔

We'll try 200°C and pray to Mary Berry and the ghost of Marilla that all goes well

Despite Marilla's suggestion, I'll be forgoing the old pan with two handles and using a newer pan with one handle

Hoping that isn't what turns this from a success into a failure

Lo and behold! Another stumbling block!

I'm a metric measurement wench and cups mean NOTHING to me 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hoping this mug will suffice as a cup measurement
The butter directly into water thing is making me marginally uncomfy and I'm not sure what temperature to heat it at 🤷🏻‍♀️

Going mid temp because I'm a little afraid of the water boiling off before the butter melts

Fat and water do not emulsify so this is looking a little grim 😬

(and yes my photography skills are shocking)
Our girl Marilla knew what she was doing

Apparently I'm making a little choux pastry

(and yes, I did spill sugar everywhere)
And now we wait for the pastry to cool a little because I'm pretty sure scrambled egg puffs would win no prizes at all

Adding eggs one at a time as advised

1 egg in and this mixture is ~sticky~ had to abandon my whisk for a wooden spoon *Irish children up and down the country quake*

2 eggs in and it's a little looser

Rachel Lynde made it look so easy to stir though. Either she's a liar or I'm super weak

And this is what we're currently working with
Also, shout out to Seamus who lives up the road for the eggs

Wishing him and his chickens the very best ✨
Not a lot of direction in portioning these out, just drop it onto a tray in two inch blobs

I don't think this mixture will make too many either but I live in hope

And into the oven they go!

I got 9 out of the mixture but might have gotten more if I had a better concept of what 2 inches looks like

Baking them for 15 minutes and I'll see how I go from there

Can confirm they are puffing up deliciously but are browning a little too quickly for my liking so I'm turning the oven down

15 minutes is up but some are still a little pasty (much like myself) so back into the oven they go for 5 more minutes

And we have puffs!

They look a little yellowy because it's almost 10 here and my big light is on

They've grown sizeably during their time in the oven 😌

Ok so, they've cooled and are about to be filled

All I can say at this stage is blessed be the electric whisk!

And there we have them! Some little puffs ready for tea and sampling!

Will be back with concluding thoughts soon 🙏🏻

Alrighty, well this took a lot longer than it should of but anything worth winning a prize deserves a little love I guess

These were delicious (may have been made better if I had actual plum jam) and I'd make them again

The recipe was easy to follow once I worked out the cups and they baked in twenty minutes so were pretty quick

All in all, I'd say our 1899 baking queen was worthy of her top prize (lemon drizzle wasn't a thing then, right?)

Blue ribbons all around!

Ps. My dad really enjoyed them and he's super fussy so that was a big thumbs up 👍🏻
Also @YoWalleyB if you have anymore old recipes hiding in your archives please share them!.

I would do this again 😌

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