Warning for syscourse and abuse /

Making our stance. You're welcome to retweet this.

We've been abused, manipulated, experienced gaslighting, and otherwise have been harmed by those who are anti-endogenic.

The movement is wrought in abuse.

#pluralgang #syscourse
We have had people delve deep as they can into trying to make us doubt our memories.

Trying to convince people that they have experienced trauma when they haven't fucks up a person. We've known people to develop pseudo/exomemories because of people doing this.
We have also had people try to make our fronters doubt the rest of our system, and that too has messed us up.

Imagine a system kid crying because someone tried to convince them that their system is fake and they don't think they can act like an adult.

It happens.
Have you ever had to carefully watch everything you do to make sure that your system isn't fake? We already have severe intrusive thoughts. Our brain takes any sign that anti-endogenics have fed to it to be us faking.
They are not justified by science either. There isn't research on endogenic systems, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. There is just a gap in information.

They also deny thousands of systems who have existed recorded for decades (or centuries) who don't fit the DID model.
They paint us as the abusers when a lot of the time we're just victims who have had e-fucking-nough and snap.

The painting of us as the horrible ableist abusers distracts from how much serious damage they do to people. It distracts from their abuse, the stigma they spread, etc.
For those who can't manage a smidgen of sympathy for endogenic systems, we're not the only ones harmed.

DID systems, you know the ones they claim to protect? They get attacked too in the same way. They don't give a shit. You're labeled an endo? You're gone.
Do you also know what raising the faker alarm over every little thing also does for those trying to get a diagnosis? It makes it harder.

Psychs already think we're faking most of the time, and you're going to make it worse?

No one wins, no one is helping. It makes it worse.
Anyway yeah feel free to retweet this, in fact we encourage you to. The anti-endogenic movement is fucked up and people need to know this.

We're also tired of singlets who think this behavior is even remotely okay.
You can follow @pluralanomaly.
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