Salaried jobs incentivize doing as little as possible to keep your job. I think this is the reason good employees hate their jobs. You’ve got 2 buckets of people. 1. The salaried employees that do basically nothing and 2. The salaried employees that carry the do-nothings
Type 1s are chilling getting paid the same as type 2s and are happy. Type 2s see Type 1s not doing shit and get pissed because they’re outperforming and not being compensated for it
Then comes the coveted promotions! Type 2s get the promotion the majority of the time but the increase in compensation does not outpace the increase in expected output and time between promotions does not scale linearly
So companies have their best performers looking for ways out to yield better rewards for their time while all of the fatty type 1s just take up budget costs
You see this especially in large corporations. I think inherently people like the keep what you kill mentality especially if they are Type 2s. You repeat this process for decades and you get the type of corporations we have today where the vast majority are Type 1s
Just observations on what I would not do if I were to start my own company. It’s also why I like trading. My “compensation” is based solely on keeping what I kill
And maybe every year you get a “merit” increase which is literally just you getting paid the same amount accounting for inflation
It’s pretty genius and diabolical so I respect it since your average employee doesn’t know what inflation is but gah damn you’re getting fucked from every direction
I also understand the situation from the employers perspective. You need to invest less in employees than the return you get from them in order to make the investment worth it.

The point is it’s a shit system to incentivize strong performance
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