FWIW Facebook should have never been allowed to become a news aggregator in the first place. The whole world failed everybody when we let that slide under the radar without protest. https://twitter.com/brooklynmarie/status/1300865823444148229
I guess to be as fair as possible to tech, it is noteworthy I have LESS (albeit not a lack) of an issue with twitter's news aggregation because prior to them getting heavy into weird AI algorithms it primarily was a real reflection of what people were talking about.
To that end, Facebook was never that. It was always curated even when they suggested it wasn't, and that curation was turned into automation eventually that was even more bad at the curation than the employees were. AFAIK anyway.
Also not to say just rolling with trending topics people speak of was good times either. There was legitimately a solid year where Justin Bieber was trending nonstop lmao
In fact, and a lot of newbies don't know this, but the reason that trending topics disappear after being up/discussed for a while (think ATTACK AND DETHRONE GOD) -- DIRECTLY goes back to Justin Bieber and this incident, because it was the only solution they had.
Basically, at some point, twitter decided "Ok if a topic is trending long enough we're just going to assume people know and are still talking about it and it doesn't show up anymore" and boom Justin Bieber hardly ever trended again, and if so was not "Justin Bieber" lol
(and yeah I'm generalizing some because this was legit like 10 years ago but that's preeeeeeetttttttttty much how I recall that one going down)
oh I remember hte other key detail, if the trend becomes flat again (e.g.: Say people in this example just stopped talking about Bieber for months, which I think did actually happen) then the original term could trend again if it spikes a lot. They've probably changed logic since
But it's pretty clear something very similar is still play.
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