I used to do “personal development” all the time

But my view of personal development was skewed

I thought it was reading and obtaining knowledge from others, which is a part for sure

But now I see personal development as experiencing life

Having conversations and learning about others

Observing and taking in different perspectives while holding onto your own

Using those observations to evaluate your own perspective
This takes analysis, thought, and real self-reflection

But it doesn’t happen linearly, it doesn’t happen without pain

Personal development, growth, or whatever you call it fuckin hurts

Often times A LOT
Because real personal development forces you to look your shit in the eye and stare at it

While your subconscious pulls yourself apart and you feel the devil on your shoulder pulling you into a pit of despair and you feel you’ll never break free
You have to push through, continue to think, evaluate, and FEEL

Because you can develop yourself into what you think you should be

But the best you isn’t found in any book, podcast, or video

That shit is within YOU

Discover who YOU are and you’ll manifest a masterpiece

You can follow @TannerWHaase.
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