I ran for office last year. Voter turnout was 45% in a majority Black district.

People say run for office, we do. Good people are on the ballot & we have folks ONLY focusing on the top of the ticket. The presidential race.

That’s flawed logic. Let me explain.
Black folks are getting slaughtered by police, controlled by mayors and city councils. If we want change, vote for more progressive mayors and city council members.

Trump and Biden are distractions honestly.
The real issue is our local politics is failing us because it’s copying our national politics.

Your school board is why your kids attend failing schools.

Your city council is why your street has potholes.

Your state legislature is why cops have qualified immunity.
All politics is local.

For Black people, if we don’t vote, we allow the local Trump’s in our community to shape the destiny of our cities and states.

They hope we stay home, not just Trump but the baby Trumps all over America. In your city and mine.
I’m not showing up to vote for Joe Biden, I’m showing up for my community.

The same way I show up at school board meetings and city council meetings.

Because change is the long fight, and it’s not won in a day. It’s won through consistency and SHOWING UP. #KeepPushing
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