Fuck it I don't even care, I'm making a thread regarding the owner @PupVolpe was talking about.
So this is the person that banned me from a group chat for "venting" once or twice, but allowed his pup to stay in the group despite explicitly talking daily about self harming at
work, knowing it could trigger people. I spoke about my uncle's chemo at the time it was starting because I was upset and we genuinely thought my uncle would die. He allowed his pup to stay in the group when he told us he cut himself on purpose at work because he was biased. I
don't care what anyone says, when you're running a group chat, especially one that also holds physical events, you CANNOT be biased towards your pups, subs, partners, etc. You have to treat ALL members of the group chat the same otherwise it just isn't fair treatment. But it
gets worse. I got "into" pup play when I was a minor. I was never properly involved, I had my pup time at home and never tried to join 18+ groups or events. However. I went to a youth group wearing a pup replated tshirt, and a youth worker (understandably) was a bit concerned,
googled it and found that it was an 18+ community. This owner was my first proper influence in the community, so I told him about it. At the time I thought I knew everything and my youth worker was overreacting cause my mum knew, I was safe, etc, typical edgy kid stuff.
I now know that she did the right thing because I was a minor in an 18+ community, but I told this owner anyway. He said he would speak to my youth worker if I needed him to, so that she'd see it's okay for a literal child to be in an 18+ kink community. Essentially, and
indirectly, he was saying "I'll speak to your youth worker so that she'll get off our backs about you being a child in an 18+ kink community", which is... a bit disgusting looking back on it. Why are you trying to hide an 18+ community from a youth worker when I was a child?
Why are you trying to "convince" someone that it's "okay"? I was a child!
The worst part? Not really told anyone about it, but I went to one of his events wearing a @PuppyPride tshirt and with my sports bottle. He said "you know what the owner of that group is and what he's
done, don't you?" When I said no, he was a bit nervous before he said "well obviously I can tell you, but I can't untell you and you might be disgusted" (may not be the exact quote, but I know he said the words "I can't untell you" exactly at some point). I said that's fine,
just tell me. And he turned around and said "the owner is a child sexual abuser. He grooms new, young pups."
For the record, I do not believe this. I have only seen Kye supporting new pups, and if anything the one grooming new pups is the one convincing youth workers that it's
fine for a minor to be in the community. Also who the fuck organises camping in large groups with a dungeon in the middle of a global pandemic? I do not care if he finds out I've said this because from everything everyone else has told me, I know who I believe and trust.
To the owner: fuck you. You're a biased liar who tries to ruin people's lives by making false accusations when they call you out. You're quick to talk shit about people behind their backs when you don't get your way and your attitude towards a pandemic is disgusting.
If you want me to add your experiences with this owner anonymously to this thread, send me a DM and I'll post on your behalf. Or feel free to just add your own experiences here.
You can follow @pup_astro_.
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