In which I ride south on Division north of Packard! Overall: good, has some kinds that need working out
Problem 1. Need to add a southbound stop sign for bikes at Jefferson. (Usually bikes use the ped signal and there isn't one there)
Problem 2. Left hand turns northbound are hard. Do you turn left from the bike lane or switch to the left lane a block ahead of time or switch to the left lane midblock?
Problem 3. How do you turn left onto Packard when southbound? The bike lane just kind of dead ends. Turn left on the ped signal from the bike lane?
Problem 4. Some of the cones are misplaced. I think the big barrels in the middle are supposed to keep cars from turning into the bike lane, but at one point I ended up squeezed out of the bike lane by them
Biggest things I liked: I felt more sheltered from the cars on this wide fast road And I'm hoping people will be less likely to obstruct the bike lane with parked cars/trash cans. (we'll see) Thanks, @a2gov and #a2council
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