Trump is in Kenosha now. So the neighborhood where Blake was shot is holding an event to counter that, to keep the focus on Blake. Faith leaders also here. After some speeches, it's now a block party, with food, music, voter registration, and a Black Panther themed bounce house.
Here's that Black Panther bounce house.
Across town, religious leaders from different faiths hold a gathering - again, as counterprogramming to Trump visit. Before the speeches started they took a group photo. One said:

'we don't know if the news is coming, but we can send them this picture so they know we were here.'
(also should note that the block party event announcent came via BLAK - Black Lives Activists of Kenosha:
Back here at the faith leaders event. The general concern among the group is that Trump's visit is going to disrupt Kenosha's healing process. Some worry that will use property damage as a campaign photo op. One told me that maybe Trump could come in a few weeks - just not now.
Trump has left Kenosha, but the counterprogramming is still running strong. I came back to the block party, and it's still happening. Bounce house is gone, but there's still food, music, and people. I've now had about 5 separate people come up and ask if I'm registered to vote.
A lot of familiar faces out here. When police were caught putting out 'bait trucks' in Chicago, one of the prominent critics in the neighborhood was a local activist named Martin G Johnson. Just ran into him.
(here's my interview with him, in 2018 in Chicago

Also there: Stevante Clark, brother of Stephon Clark from Sacramento. He came up, we chatted. At first I was happy to see him again, then I realized why he was there.

He had to go give a speech about what it's like to have the cameras around when a family member is shot.
Anyway. Just left the block. ~5 hours after starting, the party is winding down, but there's still a good 100ish plus hanging out, and the DJ is still going. Everyone's cleaning up trash, and the grill is still handing out food.
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