Save the date! I'm extremely excited to share my debut poetry collection, DREAM FRAGMENTS, is being published by Montreal's very own Cactus Press. đŸŒ” The e-book comes out October 1st and will be available to purchase online. Watch out for a cover reveal later this month!❀ 1/3
DREAM FRAGMENTS is about 30 pages long. In fact, a shorter version won the 2019 Peterson Memorial Prize, the highest valued award by McGill's Dept of English. Themes include grief, sense of self & long distance with a distinct ambiance of (you guessed it) dream-like states. 2/3
That being said, please help me make this launch a success! Share this post, spread the word, and purchase the copy if you can. I really look forward to hearing what people think of DREAM FRAGMENTS. End of thread. đŸ„ł
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