mantha paige deactivated but i quickly want to call out why the way she has responded to this entire situation is harmful and not okay (even her deactivating is avoiding responsibility)
basically, this started i guess when i made an earlier thread calling her out for using a racial slur, below
she has repeatedly been called out for being manipulative and weaponizing race and alliship in the past. some examples include: telling POC not to turn things into a “race war”, trying to draw attention to BLM to deflect from herself getting called out about race
the most concerning part is the way she reacts to POC calling her out— it is extremely hostile, manipulative, and inflammatory. here is the apology she made to me, making it seem like i’m trying to get people to hate her and not talk to her
a reminder: when you have been racist, POC do not owe you a conversation, a chance for redemption, etc.
she has tweets dating from 2012-now showing she has used slurs that she does not have the right to use, has been racist multiple times, and more. what does this show? lack of caring and not bothering to educate and change her actions
when another swiftie was called out for having past racist/anti-semitic/ableist tweets, she texted this and also tweeted about it. this is not a game. this is not a competition. you can condemn multiple people at once, you can recognize change
she also said this hours after this person was exposed. i’ve had a conversation with this person and there is no excuse for the things they said in the past, and i cannot speak for everything as i am not a part of all of these groups
i would like to ask this, though: what consequences has samantha really faced? she actively hurt POC, some her friends, and all she got was some people unfollowing her, a couple calling her out, and most accepting an apology that wasn’t theirs to accept or people being quiet
this is why cancel culture does not exist: people, especially white people, most often to not face real consequences to racist/homophobic/etc comments or actions. marginalized communities are still oppressed, though.
she has manipulated so many POC. you can see what she said about lexie on her twitter because she’s been manipulative towards her, too.
also, earlier this year, i called out jill for liking a tweet by gun girl because jill has also had a problematic past (and recent problematic behavior). samantha attacked me for calling her out, and then later publicly announced that she texted jill and was no longer friends
with her. i thought this was a positive step in her allyship, but it proved to be simply performative as she is now friends with her again. i will not get into jill, but for reference, she has called herself a “fellow POC” and posted selfies
with the caption “arrest the cops that killed breonna taylor,” all this year. she also blocks people instead of having conversations with them, and plays the victim. another form of manipulation.
i am TIRED of this. i’ve spoken to so many of my POC friends the past couple weeks and we are all so tired of being the loudest ones to condemn casual (and sometimes explicit) racism in the fandom. this is not a one time thing. it happens all the fucking time.
when i BEGGED people to help me and speak up, only POC did and a COUPLE who’re people. people that i thought were my friends, people that paint themselves as allies, were absolutely silent. you are complicit with racist actions and that makes you NOT an ally, so don’t you dare.
anyways. i’m done talking about this for now. just do better in the future. don’t ignore racism on the TL because it’s easier. don’t post on your IG story that you’re an ally. TAKE ACTION AND DO SOMETHING!!! i’m fed up, tired of walking on eggshells, and emotionally exhausted
final thought: if you’re too scared to say something or don’t want to lose a friend, remember that POC/marginalized people don’t have that luxury or choice. staying friends with racists has real consequences outside of fucking twitter.
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