And the murders police commit? They face no consequences. Fucking none.
In a fifteen-year span, which covered roughly 14,000 acts of police murdering a citizen, exactly 5 cases resulted in convictions. Five. That is 0.04%. One in three thousand.
We know it doesn't have to be this way. In fact, many police officers have shown a better path. These killings, these rapes, this violence - it isn't all cops, to be fair. It is mostly just the white men. But you knew that.
Specifically, when a white cop enters a black neighborhood, the killings start. Black officers are able to resolve issues without death. White cops shoot first and fabricate a justification later.
And men, by far, kill more than women. While women make up 12% of the police force and are arguably less equipped to take down an offender without a weapon, they nonetheless commit less than 5% of the murders.
So what can we do? I don't know. But it starts with shutting down lies. When they say being a cop is dangerous, correct them - no, it isn't. When they say they're under attack, correct that too - they are not.

Don't let lies control the debate while people die.
If you want a more pointed and complete answer to the question of what we can do, I highly recommend the following thread. There is much work to be done, but we know how it needs to begin. Change is possible, but we must lead with truth and fact.
You can follow @QuantumsAshes.
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