Which one of y’all told Tess Holiday that she has the permission respond to me?💀 no but srsly I didn’t know who she was b4 so I had to look her up. & serious question: how do you tell someone NICELY that they’re severely overweight & need help? Cause 1 of y’all need to tell her
I also have a family member that’s severely obese & I worry about his health a lot (he wasn’t always obese) but I know he’s sensitive about his weight. So idk how to tell him that he needs professional help w/o hurting his feelings?? Y’all got any tips on how to tell him?
Good for Tess for her successful modeling career 🥳 But something doesn’t sit right w/ her promoting obesity considering the USA is in an obesity epidemic. With it being the 2nd leading cause of preventable death right behind tobacco use (which ew cigs r gross lmao)
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