the hargreeves when faced with their fears: a thread 🧵
luther's biggest fear is failing/letting everyone down:

- starts to panic when things go wrong
- tries to control every situation (eg locking up vanya)
- struggles to deal with unknowns
- tries to repress his fears and ends up seeming angry
- refuses to cry / talk about it
diego is scared of needles:

- never admits it to anyone
- sometimes passes out just at the sight of one
- otherwise goes pale and quiet
- puts off getting stitches/injections
- hates other people seeing him vulnerable
- trembles the entire time
- touches his tattoo nervously
allison's biggest fear is being alone:

- gets attached to new people too easily
- rushes into relationships
- needs to feel like she's loved
- used to rumour people to like her
- struggles to sleep alone
- can't stand long pauses in conversation
- "do you still love me?"
klaus is scared of a lot of things, especially small spaces:

- used to cry and beg to be let out
- needs to be physically grounded by someone else
- starts hyperventilating and rocking
- sobs and hugs his knees to his chest
- completely zones out
- eases fear through drinking
five has ptsd of the time spent in the apocalypse:

- triggered by fire/smoke/death/family/etc
- freaks out privately
- doesn't want to bother anyone
- will sometimes yell / rant bc he's worked up
- sometimes hoards food instinctively
- refuses to be coddled
ben is scared of letting go, moving on:

- sticks with klaus the whole time
- worries that he'll disappear one day
- scared of what's on the other side
- hides behind movies/books
- clings to klaus's body in an attempt to stay
- changes topic abruptly if it comes up
vanya is scared of herself:

- the strength of her powers worries her
- she doesn't want to hurt anyone again
- clams up and hides inside herself
- blocks out traumatic memories
- has nightmares where she hurts people
- avoids noisy environments
- possibly some ocd tendencies
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