he's not crazy. calling him that is a cop out. it removes society's part in providing the framework for someone like him to thrive

he's an asshole; he's mean, incurious, self-centered AND most of all, spoiled. This man had NEVER been held accountable for anything his entire life https://twitter.com/TeaPainUSA/status/1300808337177686016
if that is the case, what does it say about the society who allows someone like that to not only thrive but become & remain their leader?

fascism is not a mental illness, white supremacy is not a mental illness & neither is being an incurious asshole https://twitter.com/MattMurph24/status/1300822424699785218?s=19
that being said, there is a discussion to be had in respect to how our system of capitalism rewards those with less empathy for their fellow humans

one could make an argument that those with psychopathic or sociopathic tendancies are at an advantage in a dog eat dog world
ftr we don't officially diagnose people as pyschopaths or sociopaths; they're diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. anyone who gets on TV or writes an article claiming doctors have suggested so & so is a psychopath is talking out their arseholes
tbh, mental illness & conditions are complex. my brother in law had severe schizophrenia & antisocial personality disorder after an accident which would trigger psychosis (bouts of losing touch with reality) -- when people say crazy or insane, this is often what it refers to
someone can have antisocial personality disorder (psychopath/sociopath) and not be crazy (have bouts of psychosis) -- many people with varrying degrees of ASPD do not lose touch with reality, are ware they lack empathy & mimic resposes of those that do

mental or psychiatric diagnoses are often revised as we learn more but if you wanna see how complex it is have a look at DSM-5

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5

some other time, i'll tell you some stories about my brother in law Robert & maybe my old man -- living with those suffering from some of the more severe disorders can make for a colourful life to say the least â˜ș
to get back to the initial point i wanted to make;

calling trump crazy, stupid or evil won't help beyond letting off some steam. making it an official point of order is lazy, ntellectually unsatisfying and it offers no way out

we've been here before https://twitter.com/_WhyzGuy/status/1286294989069266945?s=19
just want to add; there has been some excellent work being done in regards to how our society built on capitalism/greed rewardd those with less or no empathy

this book is an excellent overview;
CBC did a short documentary on the subject as well to give you a taste: https://vimeo.com/113685662 
if you're ever curious about living with antisocial personality disorder -- living with what we would colloquially call a psychopath or sociopath -- a good place to check is Quora dot com. there are several users who are quite open about how their mind works -- very enlightening
You can follow @_WhyzGuy.
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