so i quit sonic and i have a lot to say on the matter but for right now i'm just going to say fuck that place and i made the right decision. please don't apply there, especially if you're a young female. it's not a comfortable or safe environment whatsoever.
you'll most likely face some sort of harassment/mistreatment, and if thats not the case you'll definitely find out about it happening to others. i ignored red flags for a really long time but now that it happened to me i literally cant ignore it anymore
i'm actually lucky compared to a lot of the girls who have been harassed there. i only dealt with it from a coworker, not my GM. but thats not the case for all the girls that have worked there. i can't tell you how much of what i know is rumors and how much is true
but i know for sure my boss is a creep. i know for sure people sleep around. i know for sure that GMs/employees can get away with being inappropriate. and i know for sure there's been violations and illegal activity.
i'm done staying quiet about this because i don't want it happening to anyone else. i just dont know where to go from here and i'm scared to even post this thread but i feel like i have to.
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