This is not a drill.
Not at all:

My new planetary data storage archive/hard drive needs a name. An animal name. It has to start with the letter “P”.

For reference, current named drives are:

Now: P______________

Holy crap.

This is as close to "viral" as I've probably ever gotten and talk about the law of unintended consequences.

Gonna have to have a poll.

Current favorite:
Pangolin. They're just goddamn fantastic.

But...puffins, oh my. 😍

Stay tuned for online voting the easy way!
Ah crap I also had had pet piranhas once.

Raised them from babies.

They got way too fierce. 🤔
“Panther” is now also on the official list.

For very obvious reasons.
I cannot believe I didn’t think of “porg.”


The list is getting filled nicely.

Voting soon maybe. Or I’ll just choose.
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