β™‘ π˜Ώπ™§π™šπ™¨π™¨π™šπ™¨ 𝙄 𝙬𝙀π™ͺ𝙑𝙙 π™¬π™šπ™–π™§ 𝙖𝙨 𝙖 π™₯π™§π™žπ™£π™˜π™šπ™¨π™¨ β™‘
These are so stunning??? yes please sign me up???
Catch me wearing this will I aimlessly roam around the Palace
I want to run around a meadow in this
I would literally do anything to wear this dress for just a minute
this is just so stunning????
the Christmas ball you say??? why yes I will absolutely be showing up in this
my 'playing with the fair folk' dress
I have no clue where I'd wear this but how could I not include it omg its gorgeous
this has Belle from beauty and the beast energy so I'd most likely spend a day reading in this
these are just so beautiful like omg?? casual day dresses me thinks
end of thread ✨
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