Today marks the official start to #SucideAwairness month. So I wanted to take a moment and talk about actual suicide prevention.
These are things I know would have helped ME (and might be different for you) before my 2 attempts:
Believe people when they say they want to die. Wanting the die is NOT the same as acting on it. Either way you should direct them to resources. If this is too scary for you (totally understandable), don't try to "fix" them, direct to resources still.
...Don't say things that minimize how they're feeling. I already felt crazy and broken for feeling like I wanted to die. I would have done anything to "keep smiling" "think of all the gorgeous sunsets I'd miss" but I couldn't. Empathize instead, "Wow you must be really hurt"
Also self care for caregivers is important. After validating someone's pain you have every right to step away. It is no one's right to put pressure on you. Explain if you are unwell and not in the right place to help. Direct them where they can get help.
Because of stigma people are still ill equipped to help you even if they LOVE you and WANT to help and that sucks. Always try to get consent before unloading your concerns. I understand when suicidal or even frustrated it's hard to do that. But it helps prepare the person helping
Another thing is, stand up for people who are being told they are doing this (or any medical need) for attention. I did need attention. I may have went to the wrong places for it, but I needed attention and that for some reason, meant I shouldn't have it? Wut?
Where are good places for that? I have a series of resources on my site 
But also
For those who have followed this account, you know what you'll hear next is, take the @MHFirstAidUSA course in the US and wherever offered around the world. It's like knowing CPR or how to apply gauze to an open wound. You're not a Dr, but you can help save someone.
Finally, if you think that suicidality affects us all the same no matter race, gender or socioeconomic status, you haven't been paying attention. Which is why ALWAYS ask, if you have the bandwidth, "How can I help" before applying any kind of solutions you think are best.
I know I am missing a ton of things like don't pill shame - that's the reason I almost died the second time. I said I didn't need meds because I was told they were for weak ppl.
Or offer people shelter from abusive families if you can.
I would love to see your ideas below too.
This ended up being super long and I am sorry, but I hope this helps.

You don't HAVE to know what to do, but you can be prepared if you would like to help and have the bandwidth.
Remember: 1 tool for helping reduce suicide in the world is kindness and that is free. #bethelight
*me angy because the #SuicideAwarenessMonth tag I used to start this ENTIRE thread had a typo in it and I am only now seeing it. Sorry folks!
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