The scale and cost of the insanity really hit me today as we dropped our kids off at school today. To function five days a week, the school has set up outdoor tents (oh, sorry, not tents, canopies, because tents have sides and the regulations are different)...
That'll be fun when when it's 24 degrees. My back of the envelope guess is that these (healthy) kids are more likely to die from a lightning strike than #Covid.

How many consultants getting rich off this?

Bonus: Even though they're outdoors, THE KIDS MUST WEAR MASKS ALL DAY.
Meanwhile, Dr. Berenson nearly came to tears as she saw the girls run to hug each other for their first day -

Then stop two feet apart, like a force field was between them.

We are telling our kids to be scared of touching each other. Of human contact.

That's gonna go great.
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