GA has asked for federal permission to withdraw from  w/o creating its own marketplace to give ppl a central place to enroll. Making it harder to enroll = lower enrollment. Tens of thousands of Georgians could lose coverage.
This returns to the pre-ACA way of enrolling only thru brokers & insurers, who often push the highest-profit plans, not always the best or all plans.
For sure, there are some good-guy brokers, but how does a consumer distinguish? There’s no substitute for an impartial platform that allows people to see all plan options.
Tens of thousands could lose coverage, esp w/ GA allocating minimal funds for a huge IT lift and turning over all marketing and enrollment functions to private entities.
GA continues to refuse Medicaid expansion coverage to ~500k ppl & is trying to end the ACA in court; its waiver is another way of rejecting the law, not innovating w/in it. And CMS seems to be fast-tracking this. Comments are due 9/16 at [email protected].
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