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How to Kick Arse in a lot less time

Most people have heard of the Pareto Principle.

It simply states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your actions.

That’s great, but how do you apply that for success?

Read below👇
The cool thing about 80/20 Principle is that it works for anything.

It’s a productivity model that can work in your job, life or business.

So how do you determine what to focus your time on?

1. Systemize and document your processes.

Ask yourself;
- Is this task essential?

- Is there a better way of doing this?

- How can I simplify this process?

Eliminate anything that isn’t essential.

Be ruthless.
2. Identify low skill tasks.

What tasks could ANYBODY do?

Many tasks that you perform are trivial. And simple.

Delegate, outsource or automate these tasks.

You can access the global labour market at a fraction of the cost.
3. Identify your strengths as well as the ‘important’

What are you naturally good at and means you have a competitive advantage?

What tasks have the largest influence on profit?

Prioritize these.

This is your 20%. Have an unrelenting focus on these.
What do you do with your extra time?

1) Double, triple down on the 20%.

This is where you’ll get the most benefit. Focus your efforts on your strengths.

Improving your weaknesses works, but it’s a lot harder.


2) Whatever the heck you want. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž
Thanks for getting this far. I hope you enjoyed it!

Hopefully this will help you focus on what’s important in your job/business/life.

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