When did the Tories stop loving left-wing comedy?

In the 1980s, when I was writing for Spitting Image, they loved it. Couldn't get enough of it. What did they care? They had the power.

The angrier we got the more they enjoyed it. 1/6
There were no right-wing comics then. Tories wore their lack of sense of humour as a badge of honour.

Sure there were sexists and racists, but back then they were cancelled by market forces. Advertisers preferred non-sexist non-racist comedy. And the BBC followed suit. 2/6
The Simpsons was created at Fox TV. At any point Rupert Murdoch had the power to cancel it. Why should he?

Back then, powerful people loved us angry lefties mocking them. "Did they base Montgomery Burns on me? What do I care? Look at the $$$ he's making me." 3/6
I guess it must have been all those years in the noughties without power. They came back but never convincingly, until 2019, when they actually elected a comedian to be PM.

Now they want to cancel the BBC. That's not unusual. Governments of any colour love to attack the BBC. 4/6
They are the rulers. The elite. Yet their argument is that they're ruled by the nasty BBC. They're the victims. Never mind Harry Hill, Mrs Brown's Boys, two blokes fishing, Taskmaster, Michael McIntyre, these shows are mere collateral in the war to GET NISH KUMAR OFF OUR TV! 5/6
I wanted to ignore this confected nonsense but dammit they've dragged me in. They talk about woke lefties and snowflakes but express an opinion different to theirs and they'll shut you down.

Okay I'm going back to ignoring this crap, I've got JOKES TO WRITE. /ends
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