The BNHA Vol. 5 Light Novel's Dormitory Cleaning chapter has a few sample pages available to read!

Here's a thread of some funny highlights that I read while skimming the sample pages, available here:
For Deku's yearly cleaning, he spends a lot of time cleaning his beloved All Might merchandise, such as wiping his All Might figurines, taking precious care of his collection.
Todoroki comes to Deku's room to return a mechanical pencil that Deku dropped during an English tutoring session. When he enters Deku's room he says, "You got a lot of All Might in here."

It piques his interest and he says, "Maybe I should try collecting a figurine too" lol
Koda actually cleans his room everyday and has to take out the trash often because he has his pet rabbit.
Kirishima broke the punchbag in his room when he was training too hard one day and the pole bent. Iida sees him dragging the 100kg sandbag + pole out of his room. Iida asks if Kirishima's okay with throwing it away, and Kirishima says, "Yeah, I can always buy another one online."
Kirishima just casually saying "Yeah, I can just get another punching bag online with fast shipping."

Punching bags are like, at least 22,000yen or more on Amazon Japan. Kirishima must be pretty loaded lol
Koda asks Kirishima if he's done cleaning his room. Kirishima says "Kinda but I still got the tiny corners to clean. Bakugou's all done cleaning every single speck of his room though."

Koda says "Bakugou must be very meticulous since he cleaned carefully during house arrest too"
Shoji brings a box of stuff to throw away to the trash area. Tokoyami notices bat looking decoration in the box and says, "Is that...Bat Boy...!?" He takes it out of the box and Kirishima says, "Oh that's nostalgic!"

Iida asks "who's Bat Boy?"

Bat Boy = Batman in BNHAverse lol
While everyone heads to the temporary trash area in the middle of a forest to throw stuff away, they see Power Loader sitting outside drinking a can of coffee with an empty cup ramen bowl next to him lol.

Iida asks why he's eating outside, and Power Loader says "change of pace."
Tokoyami asks Koda, Iida, and Kirishima, "Hey, you guys notice there's been small earthquakes at night?

Koda nods.
Iida says "Never noticed. I sleep early."
Kirishima says "Yeah same. I work out, shower, and sleep right after."

Tokoyami wonders what's up with the tremors.
The tremors must be tied with the secret dungeon that they find in the middle of the forest near the garbage area. I bet it has something to do with Power Loader too lol.

The rest of the chapter and the entirety of the BNHA Vol. 5 light novel is out this Friday September 4th!
I'll provide summaries for each chapter too, so stay tuned for more info later this week when the light novel is out 💪
So Tokoyami was throwing away some stuff at the trash area near the forest, but he had something on him that he didn't want to throw away, which was a "dark night crystal." The crystal bounced out, and Tokoyami tried to follow it because it's a super rare item.
As Tokoyami runs off into the woods trying to find his dark night crystal, Iida, Shouji, Kirishima, and Koda follow him and try to look for him. They end up finding him, but suddenly the ground that they're standing on breaks apart. They then fall into an secret underground lair.
Dark Shadow frets over everyone and says, "Hey guys!! Wake up!" Iida gets up and adjusts his glasses. He sees Kirishima pop out underneath rubble with his quirk activated. Kirishima says, "Woah I thought I was gonna die back there!" Iida asks, "Is everyone else all right?"
Koda, Shouji and Tokoyami are all fine, and they all regroup to check out just where exactly they fell into. They see a mysterious red light, and it turns out that it's coming from a light bulb. They discover that they're in some kind of underground maze.
Tokoyami says, "so the tremors at night were probably coming from the construction of this place?" and Iida replies that it's definitely a possibility. They then look for a way to escape this labyrinth.
Iida asks if Tokoyami's cellphone has reception, and he says there's no signal down there. They then search for an exit because if someone made this, there must be a way out of here. Suddenly, they hear a noise and glance down to see a moving monkey doll holding two cymbals.
Kirishima activates his hardening quirk in one hand to pick up the toy, but they realize that it's just a normal monkey doll. Iida asks, "Why is something like that in a place like this??" As he speaks, the monkey starts moving again and crashing the cymbals together.
Kirishima is surprised by the sudden movement and drops the doll and the others also freak out. They then smile meekly at each other for getting surprised, but the monkey doll goes berserk and opens its mouth to shoot a laser beam at them.
Iida exclaims, "What is that thing!?"
Kirishima says, "How am I supposed to know!??" as they run from the monkey doll that keeps attacking them. Tokoyami tells Dark Shadow to fight the monkey doll but doesn't seem to be able to get to him, so he retreats back to Tokoyami.
Kirishima is up next and activates his hardening. The monkey shoots beams at him, but he is able to withstand it as he approaches the monkey while trying to attack it. Just as he tries to land a hit, the monkey dodges. Shouji then uses his multiple arms to throw boulders at it.
The boulder is able to successfully knock the monkey down, but his mouth still moves and keeps chanting the words ""

Iida mishears the words and thinks the monkey is calling him dull, but Tokoyami says, "I think it's saying the word 'curse.'"
The monkey keeps uttering the word "curse," and Iida and the others freak out and try to run away. The monkey ends up chasing them because it can also fly, and Iida says, "JUST WHAT EXACTLY IS THAT THING!?" and Kirishima shouts, "I TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW!!!"
The monkey continues to chase them while half broken, and they don't want to destroy it in fear that whatever curse it's under might pass to them. As they get chased, Shouji asks, "What should we do, Iida?" and Iida says, "We need to find an opening and attack!"
As they run into another corridor, more of these monkey dolls start flying towards them and shooting laser beams out of their mouths. Iida asks Kirishima to be a distraction for them to get a hit in, and Kirishima activates his hardening to withstand the monkeys' beams.
Kirishima is able to help create an opening while the others take down the monkeys. Even though they were afraid that they might catch whatever curse the monkeys have, destroying them was more important.
Iida asks, for the third time, "just what ARE those things!?" and Kirishima responds with, "Uh, I'd like to know too..."

Shouji asks Tokoyami if Dark Shadow is all right, and Tokoyami says he got hit, so he should recover a bit.

The boys then realize they lost Koda.
They try calling out for him, but they don't hear his response. As they continue searching for Koda, they realize that they're utterly lost and have no idea where they even came from. Tokoyami asks Iida what they should do, and he responds, "In either case let's look for Koda."
Meanwhile, back at the U.A. Dormitory room, Bakugou comes into Kirishima's room and says, "Hey Kirishima, give me back my lint roller" and then notices that Kirishima isn't in his room.

Bakugou wonders to himself "just how many hours does it take to throw away a damn sandbag!?"
Bakugou notices that Kirishima left the lint roller on the floor of his room. As he picks up the lint roller, his gaze catches onto a bunch of dust located under Kirishima's bed. He says to himself, "did he even clean his room!?" He takes a vacuum and helps clean the dust.
After Bakugou's done cleaning the dust from underneath Kirishima's bed, he notices that the wallpaper next to Kirishima's 'inspirational words' posters is peeling. Sero then walks by Kirishima's room and asks Bakugou, "Uh, just what exactly are you doing in Kirishima's room?"
Bakugou was trying to fix the wallpaper that was peeling as Sero ask him the question, and he responds, "What does it look like I'm doing!? This stupid poster that's taped onto the wall is making the wallpaper peel!"
But what Sero wanted to know specifically was why Bakugou was fixing the wallpaper in Kirishima's room, but by seeing how Bakugou looked annoyed while fixing stuff, he could guess why. Since Bakugou's a perfectionist, he probably got annoyed at Kirishima's half-ass cleaning.
Sero teases Bakugou and says, "Well, if hero work doesn't work out for ya, at least you can be a handyman!" and Bakugou yells, "WHAT!? Not in a million years- the hell!"
After that random interlude of Bakugou in Kirishima's room, the story goes back to Kirishima and the others in the labyrinth as they stare at a wall. They kept searching for Koda and ended up getting more and more lost within the maze.
The wall that they are staring at contains a very curious button that seems to emit a mysterious magical aura. The more they look at the button, the more they feel the urge to push it. Kirishima then asks, "So should we push it...?"
Kirishima doesn't even try to hide his curiosity. Iida and the others were also extremely curious, but Iida slaps his neck and logically says, "we don't know what will happen if we press it though!"
Tokoyami says, "Well, if this is a facility, then there should be a button in case of emergencies. It's possible that this can help notify others!"

Shouji asks, "But is this really a U.A. facility though?"
Iida agrees with Shouji and says, "I also have doubts. While it does make sense for U.A. to have an underground labyrinth for training purposes, what exactly was up with the monkey? Even if it's a stand in for villains, why would they leave this facility unfinished?"
Tokoyami then says, "If this isn't U.A. property then..."

Iida continues, "it might belong to the Villains..."

A feeling of unease settles between them. Iida says that although he does not want to think about it, they should not dismiss that possibility.
As the others think about what to do, they don't notice that Dark Shadow comes out and saunters over to the button on the wall. He asks, "Oh what's this?" Curiosity gets the best of him, and he pushes the button.

Everyone says, "AHH!"
As everyone freaks out about what to do, Iida asks them to calm down and stay quiet to see if something happens. Shouji mentions that if this is indeed a villain's lair, then some kind of trap should have been activated by now.
Kirishima says, "Oh! I saw this in a movie once. The first thing that happens is a pitfall appears--!"

As Kirishima speaks, a crack appears in the ground and starts making a hole. Iida yells, "Everyone! Hang onto the edges!"
As they try to evade, Iida looks up at the ceiling and notices that it opens and a big boulder drops from it, heading right at them. Iida yells, "Everyone, RUN!!!" and everyone is surprised. Kirishima says, "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" as they continue to run away from the boulder.
As Tokoyami uses Dark Shadow to help him fly through the corridor, Kirishima and Shouji fall behind, but Iida takes both of their hands and activates his quirk. He tells them to hang on as he zooms away to safety.
Kirishima says, "Thanks for saving were really super fast!" and Shouji says, "I felt like I was one with the wind!" Iida apologizes that he might have been too fast in his haste. But it's okay because they were safe...for now.
The boys then come to the conclusion that the button was a trap after all. Tokoyami then notices that there's a small monitor attached into the ceiling. As he asks, "What is that?" the monitor turns on and starts a countdown with 10, 9, 8...
As they try escaping from whatever the monitor is counting down for, as soon as they step foot into another area, the ground gives way, and they end up falling through. When they land, Iida says, "something is stabbing my neck!" and Tokoyami says, "that will be my beak..."
The area they land in is covered in some kind of slime, making it really hard to get a footing anywhere. However, Iida spots a big metal bird cage in the room. Dark Shadow uses the bird cage to lift them all to safety. They end up in a corridor they've never been before.
As the four of them walk down the corridor, they wonder if this place really does belong to the villains or not. They wonder if Koda is doing okay, but as they walk further, they hear a loud noise. They turn and see that a giant boulder is heading their way.
Kirishima yells, "You've got to be kidding! You're kidding, right? This ain't a movie!" and Iida says, "Well, this is clearly happening, Kirishima-kun!"

As they run from the boulder, it picks up speed, and Iida says, "Kirishima, we're counting on you!"
Kirishima activates his hardening and splits the boulder in half. As the boulder breaks off, Iida notices a piece heading right at Tokoyami, and he rushes to cover him. The rock hits Iida in the shoulder, and Kirishima and Shouji notices that he's bleeding.
Iida reaches into his pocket to take out a handkerchief and hands it to them, and they use it to wrap the injury to stop the bleeding. Tokoyami apologizes to Iida, but he says not to worry as the injury isn't big. However, they can't let their guard down yet.
Tokoyami still feels regret that Iida got injured because of him, and he withdraws into himself, causing Dark Shadow to overpower him and go berserk. Iida then remembers that Tokoyami still has his cell phone on him, and he tries to fish it out of his pocket.
If they can shine the light on Dark Shadow, they can stop his powers from growing. However, Dark Shadow notices this and swipes at the cellphone, saying, "I don't need that!" As Dark Shadow thrashes about, Shouji says that he hears something heading their way.
They notice that bats are flying their direction, and the bats swarm around Dark Shadow to try to stop him. They then see that the person who is commanding the bats is Koda. Tokoyami sees Koda instructing the bats and says, "Bat Boy..."
Tokoyami is able to calm down after that, and Dark Shadow returns to his normal size, although he says, "I'm way cooler than him!" as he goes back into Tokoyami. Koda then thanks the bats for helping them. Iida and the others then say "we were searching for you all this time!"
They ask Koda where he was, and he said he was also lost. However, he was able to ask the bugs and bats to help him find his way. Tokoyami thanks Koda for saving them and says, "Your quirk is truly remarkable" and Koda gets bashful from the compliment.
As the boys regroup, they then see a giant hose appear out of nowhere and suddenly a huge rush of water heads straight at them. They try their best to stay afloat, but Shouji tells them to grab on and hang onto him as he pulls them up.
They walk further down the path and notice that the temperature is rising. They then find an underground hot springs with five towels and shirts set aside next to the water. They find it really peculiar that villains would go out of their way to accommodate them like this.
Seeing as there doesn't seem to be any danger around them, they decide to take a dip in the hot springs since they were cold, slimy, and tired. After coming out of the hot springs, they use the clothes set out for them, and Shouji notices something and asks them to come over.
Shouji says that he can hear voices through the walls. They can hear the words "So when are ya gonna decide?" and someone else says, "Whattya mean? Right now! I'm gonna destroy the entire place!"

The boys figure that this place IS run by villains after all...
They prepare themselves and as soon as Dark Shadow breaks down the door to the next room, they notice that there's no one there. They stumbled upon a small empty theater of around 30 seats, playing a cult film. The voices were from the actors in the film.
They notice that there's a door to another room, and when they open it, they see an area with a ton of nice cars lined up. Iida says, "Seems like these villains really like cars..."

They enter another room and see that it's full of weapons still in development and machinery.
As they go further, they come across lasers that shoot beams at them. They try to evade the beams, and suddenly they run into Principal Nezu! Iida tries to warn Nezu that they stumbled across a villain's lair, but Nezu tells them not to worry, confusing them.
Nezu explains that the area they went through was actually constructed by U.A. to serve as training grounds in the past. However, it ended up being a bit too dangerous, so it was largely left unused. Iida then asks why did the hot springs and other facilities look used?
Principal Nezu then says he personally uses it these days just for himself when he wants to relax. He then tells them to go back to their dormitories and to not worry about the clothes they left at the hot springs- those will be delivered back to their dorms.
As the students leave the area and go above ground, they see that it's evening. They breathe a sigh of relief that they made it out okay, and laugh at the thought of the great adventure they had. They then return to their dormitory, excited for tonight's meatloaf dinner.
The area that the students stumbled upon was actually not a place that Principal Nezu used. Power Loader was the one who worked on the area and added the hot springs and cinema while he also worked on making weapons and new inventions. Nezu waits for Power Loader to enter.
Power Loader is surprised that Principal Nezu is there, and Nezu says that he knows Power Loader isn't a people person, so he prefers to work alone. Nezu says that he needs to make the place safer if he wants to use it. Power Loader says "Ah, right..."
Principal Nezu teases "since I want to use the hot springs too every now and then!"

The chapter ends with a line saying that only a few know of the mysterious labyrinth that is hidden underneath U.A. Academy. And only those who know about it can use it for their own enjoyment.
The End- of Chapter 1...

Wow that took a while to read + translate at the same time haha. I'll continue with other chapters tomorrow and throughout the weekend, so watch this space for updates!

I think for sake of convenience, I'll just upload the chapter summaries as a whole.
Doing it live is way more time consuming than reading it in its entirety and then writing a summary, so in either case I'll post chapter summaries throughout the weekend! Thanks for reading this thread, and hope you enjoyed the content!
Also, for those who are interested in importing the Japanese version of this light novel, you can find it here: 
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