If you think Covid is a scam because a virus that attacks the cardiopulmonary system is coded w/ pneumonia (42%), respiratory failure (34%), ARDS (14%), other respiratory failure (9-14%), and cardiac arrest and arrhythmia (13-36%), then you are a fool.
If you think Covid is a scam because 22% of deaths were coded w/ hypertension (1/2 of Americans), or 16% w/ diabetes and pre-diabetes (1/3 of Americans), or 11%-15% w/ dementia, Alzheimer’s and other conditions hitting half of Americans > 85, then you are a sociopath.
If you think Covid is a scam even though the actual flu has the same laundry list of coded comorbidities in more than 90% of deaths, as do DOZENS of other viral infections that make you die in specific ways for which an ICD-10 code exists, then you are a sociopathic fool.
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