this is just the first of many trials ongoing to report

see summary here  collated by @Ricky_Turgeon & @jordy_bc

and it begins

My bet: negative trial

He calls it rennin 🤦🏽‍♂️
Is that a cardiologist out there?

trial design
excluded Entresto-users
also those on 3 or more antiHT drugs. Hmm

Good primary outcome
Brazil had it bad - but allowed them to recruit faster

figure 1

seems reasonable

would be curious about that 1 site with GCP violations

and table 1
~ 50% obese
all HT
very few CKD

disease severeity and medications at baseline

seems OK

primary outcome

called it

No difference in all cause mortality or clinical status at 30 days

#ESCCongress #BRACECorona
😅 since we - the #NephJC #Covidace2 workgroup lead by @Nephro_Sparks had gone on out a limb sorta to advice this back in March  #ESCCongress
Most societies also did of course, see table collated by @Jordy_bc

Great to see that sensible thinking in the scientific way turns out to be correct unlike the speculation (in BMJ, Lancet, JH)

Should these ongoing trials go on?

These trial interventions are simila to #BRACECORONA. But we don’t see any signal of harm so far. I would argue we need replication and ext validation, so they should go on #ESCCongress
And these trials are different: starting an ARB! They should happen of course - though would nicer to have one or two large RCT than many small ones of course
Plus these which will be starting soon or perhaps have already started by now

These trial tables collated by @Ricky_Turgeon & @jordy_bc
All this and more at the #NephJC #COVIDACE2 page 

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