This year I want to do a thread for #spookyseason
September 1st to December 1st. I'm going to try and do one post per day for 92 days. Just mentioning different spooky things and trying to bring a daily dose of horror themed positivity to people during the best time of the year.
#SpookySeason DAY 1: The Classics. These used to be the most common introduction to people could have to horror and to this day are still beloved. Infinitely rewatchable, groundbreaking, and world changing. What's your favourite? Were they your intro to horror too?
#SpookySeason DAY 2: Witches. An age long staple of the spooky season. As soon as the season rolls around you start to find witch merch in every store. They're also a major part of the genre, and a personal favourite of mine. What are your favourite witch movies?
#SpookySeason DAY 3: Werewolves. The transformative nature of werewolves has been used as a metaphor and commentary one many different things now. Whether it is puberty, life and death, social class, community or more. What are your favourite werewolf stories and why?
#SpookySeason DAY 4: Ghosts. What could be more spooky than being haunted? Hauntings take multiple forms with many types of ghost, and there are stories for every variety. Some are deadly. Some are just want to live again. Some just want to mess with us. Do you have a favourite?
#SpookySeason DAY 5: Vampires. A personal favourite of mine. I am friends with many a vampire. One of most recurring horror elements there are hundreds of vampires out there to choose from. Which are your favourites?
#SpookySeason DAY 6: Paranormal Investigators and Monster Hunters. These are those people who protect us from what lurks in the dark. They investigate, hunt, and destroy those supernatural evils that would do us harm. Who are your favourites?
#SpookySeason DAY 7: Silent Terror. Horror has been integral to film since it's very inception. Which means there is an amazing number of scary silent films that paved the way for what we know today. Their very DNA can be found in films coming out today. Which are your faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 8: Edgar Allan Poe. One of the most influential writers ever. He has been an influence on writers, directors, and even actors in the genre. There are many adaptations of his works, both direct and broad.
Which is your fave? Who are your fave Poe inspired actors?
#SpookySeason DAY 9: Frankenstein. Mary Shelley's legacy. The original sci-fi novel is also one of the greatest works of horror ever written. A story about the arrogance and cruelty of man. It has been adapted several times and inspired other works too. Do you have a favourite?
#SpookySeason DAY 10: Coulrophobia. For as long as there have been clowns, there has been the disquieting fear that they cause. There is something about their false faces, the eerie immovable smiles. These supposed entertainers of children can be very scary. Do you have a fave?
#SpookySeason DAY 11: Real Estate. Realtors say the most important things are "location, location, location." I think that another has got to be the level of haunting. Do you think a haunting makes a place more or less desirable to you? What is your favourite spooky house?
#SpookySeason DAY 12: Family. Family has always played a core role in tv shows. That's no different for horror themed shows. Whether it be a heartwarming take down of societal norms, a gothic soap opera, or a haunted horror, families are pivotal. Do you have a fave horror family?
#SpookySeason DAY 13: You Know, For Kids! You gotta get them started early, obviously, and Halloween is for kids too. Thankfully there's a lot of kid safe spooky goodness to be found. Especially in some family animated movies. What are your fave kid-friendly Halloween movies?
#SpookySeason DAY 14: Hammer Horror. Often viewed as the revitalization of horror, these films are responsible for a whole new style of horror movie. Reinvented classics such as Dracula, Frankenstein, and even making a recent comeback themselves. What are your favourites?
#SpookySeason DAY 15: Japan. Responsible for some of the most original, and interesting horror films around, Japan has a steady stream of brilliant stuff for everyone. Whether it be ghosts, curses, psychos, or monsters. They have something for everyone. Do you have a fave?
#SpookySeason DAY 16: I've previously talked about two of the biggest companies in horror. Today I want to talk about Dark Castle Entertainment, who for nearly a decade produced consistently great, high budget horror films. Their name may not be household, but do you have a fave?
#SpookySeason DAY 17: Aquatic Horror. We still don't know everything that lives in the water. It is the most unexplored and unknown place on Earth. The water is inhospitable to us. It's dangerous. It's scary. Horror has exploited this terror for years. Do you have any faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 18: Remakes, Reboots, Reimagining. Nowadays these feel like dirty words. There is some kind of stigma around the idea of doing something new with an older concept. Yet remakes have been a staple of horror forever and often they're quite great. Which do you like?
#SpookySeason DAY 19: Monsters! A staple of horror. Especially of the 50s matinees. There are many types of monsters in movies. From space, from beneath the earth, from science gone too far. There are big monsters, small monsters, and everything in between. What are your faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 20: Lovecraftian Horror. The man was incredibly racist. Yet thanks to death of the author, his style of horror has been adapted and improved upon without him for decades. Do you have a favourite "lovecraftian" horror without the man himself?
#SpookySeason DAY 21: Space! The only place less hospitable and less explored than the ocean. The potential for terror off-Earth is infinite. Whether it be on alien worlds, spaceships in the middle of the void, or some incomprehensible anomaly. What are your fave space horrors?
#SpookySeason DAY 22: Thrillers. A sister genre to horror, many times the debate arises for a movie. Is it a thriller or a horror? I say, why does it matter? They're two sides of the same scary coin. Do you have a favourite thriller?
#SpookySeason DAY 23: Video Games. Sometimes they're bad, but sometimes they're good and fun. Especially when it comes to horror. Quite often these movies will surprise you. What's your fave horror movie based on or about video games?
#SpookySeason DAY 24: The Kids Aren't Alright. Sometimes the innocent little cherubs are actually the dangerous ones. In horror they can be the terrifying ones. Whether they're possessed, undead, or just psychotic. Do you have any favourite killer kids?
#SpookySeason DAY 25: Found Footage. Fast becoming one of my personal favourite sub genres, found footage often feels as "real" as possible. Putting you right in the horror by positing that the footage is real people in the real world. Do you have a found favourite?
#SpookySeason DAY 26: Giallo. Italian horror (or thriller depending on who you ask), that has influenced the genre internationally. Often cited as the origins of the slasher genre, giallo tends to be bloody, tense, and soaked in style. Do you have any favourites?
#SpookySeason DAY 27: Slashers. Giallo might be their origin, but they are their own monster entirely. One of the most popular sub genres of horror, with hundreds of types to choose from. Many of the favourites are obvious. So today I ask, what is your most unexpected fave?
#SpookySeason DAY 28: Musicals. Sometimes you just gotta sing your way through the terror. I am admittedly not the biggest musical fan, but I like what I like, and that's horror musicals. Do you have any faves? Do you know any hidden gems? Something people need to see more?
#SpookySeason DAY 29: Blumhouse. Without hyperbole, I honestly consider Blumhouse a return to the days of Universal and Hammer. A production company primarily devoted to horror is not something you'd expect in the post-Marvel world. They produce variety too. Do you have a fave?
#SpookySeason DAY 30: French Extremity. The newer wave of French extreme movies have been quite popular among horror fans, whether it is for their subject matter, nihilistic tone, or gore. These films can be gross out and engaging at the same time. Do you have any faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 31: Icons of Horror. There are too many to choose from. These are the people everybody recognizes and loves in horror. The characters, actors, people. Picking so few was so hard for me. Who are your faves? Who do you consider truly iconic in horror?
#SpookySeason DAY 32: Toys. One of my fave types of horror. Whether it's a haunting, a possession, or some kind of curse, spooky toys and dolls are always fun to me. There is something about making an aspect of childhood innocent scary that just hits home. Do you have any faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 33: Gothic Horror. Over the course of history the term "gothic" has become broader and broader within the genre. I'm not personally very strict on it, but know that some people are. What do you consider the best of gothic horrors?
#SpookySeason DAY 34: I talk a lot about film, but I rarely talk about TV. Admittedly this isn't my place of expertise but even I know there is a lot of great horror tv out there. Do you have any go to horror tv shows?
#SpookySeason DAY 35: Horror Comedy. Sometimes we still like to laugh. Even if it's at terrible things happening to people, or at blood and guts. Sometimes the darkness just makes you chuckle. Finding humor in it can be hard but it's worth it. What are your fave horror comedies?
#SpookySeason DAY 36: Scary can be sexy. So it's time to break the rules and be horny on main while we talk about erotic horror. I'm going to leave this one broad again, because it will mean different things to different people, but what do you consider the best of erotic horror?
#SpookySeason DAY 37: Arthouse. I usually try to avoid using this term. To me, all films are art. But I know sometimes the term can be applied to certain films in an endearing way, just to emphasize something special about them. Are there any art horror films you especially like?
#SpookySeason DAY 38: Korea. Popular in film circles forever, Korean cinema is seeing a boom lately in the mainstream. Along with that comes new people discovering some of the great horror to come out of the country. Do you have any favourites you would recommend to newcomers?
#SpookySeason DAY 39: Literature. Films aren't the only source of horror for the spooky season. Some of the best scares come from books, and our imagination while reading them. What are your favourite horror books (and to make this harder) that haven't been adapted to film?
#SpookySeason DAY 40: Horror created by women. Despite legendary contributions (like Shelley's Frankenstein), the women who create horror don't get as openly discussed and celebrated as the men.
So today I ask for us to focus on them. What are your favourite women created horror?
#SpookySeason DAY 41: Bollywood/Indian Horror. In the west, when most people people think of Indian cinema they think of dance numbers and filled with bright happy colours. Yet Indian cinema has a diverse array of horror to check out too! Do you have any fave reccomendations?
#SpookySeason DAY 42: Queer Horror has been a cornerstone of the genre forever. Exploring the queer experience in a variety of ways. Whether it be directly portraying the horror of homophobia, or the existential terror of not being able to express yourself. What are your faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 43: Today I want to focus on horror by Black creators. Black artists have been influential in the horror genre since the beginning, but often have their voices drowned out. Today I want to amplify those voices.
#SpookySeason DAY 44: We talk about Cult Horror all the time, but what about Horror about Cults? A genuinely scary concept is being lost to a group who convinces you everything they're doing is right when in reality, they're doing great evil. What are your fave cult horrors?
#SpookySeason DAY 45: The 20s. For the next few days I want to talk about each decade in horror, starting today with the 20s (so you can plan your responses for the next few days😉). What are your favourite horror movies from the 20s?
#SpookySeason DAY 46: The 30s. As promised these next few days are all about the different decades. Probably best known for the explosion of Universal Monster movies, the 30s was a big decade for horror. What are your fave movies of the decade?
#SpookySeason DAY 47: The 40s. Another great decade for horror. (Aren't they all?) With the introduction of a classic figure that sparked a whole genre of films, and more than one unforgettable film. What are you faves from the 40s?
#SpookySeason DAY 48: The 50s. The decade of matinee monsters. Giant ants, radioactive reptiles, oozing masses, and the undead from space. What are your faves from the 50s?
#SpookySeason DAY 49: The 60s. Big change in the landscape of horror happened in this decade. More and more, films were aiming to be genuinely scary in deeper ways, and colour was becoming more accessible too.
What are your favourites of the 60s?
#SpookySeason DAY 50: The 70s. The era of the sleazy and the gritty. The boom in colour meant a boom in blood. Horror became more visceral and violent. What are your fave horror movies of the 70s?
#SpookySeason DAY 51: The 80s. My favourite decade! Personally this is hardest for me to narrow down. A decade of great soundtracks, great practical effects, and great style. How can I only pick four? What are your favouirtes of the 80s?
#SpookySeason DAY 52: The 90s. For a lot of my mutuals this is the decade they really grew up with. The formative years of horror for a lot of us. What are your faves of the decade?
#SpookySeason DAY 53: The 00s. The new millennium. The sci-fi future. A whole new era of editing and whole new philosophy of horror. What are your faves from this decade?
#SoookySeason DAY 54: The 10s. This was incredibly hard for me to narrow down to just four. The last decade has seen a lot of amazing horror releases and in all honesty might be one of the best decades for it over all. Do you have any faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 55: Religious Horror. Whether it's the existentialist dread, or just the aesthetic choice, religion has always been a great source of horror. It could be what we do in it's name, or supernatural elements. What are your fave religious horrors?
#SpookySeason DAY 56: Practical Effects. Everyone loves them. Everyone talks about how they're a big part of what makes horror great. Inventive practical effects have always been a fun part of horror. What films have some of your favourite examples of practical effects?
#SpookySeason DAY 57: CGI. For some reason in there is this big argument still that CGI must be inherently bad. Yet there have been surprises. The truth is, CGI can be great fun to, so what are some of your fave CGI effects?
#SpookySeason DAY 58: Teen Horror. The kids weren't alright, and they still aren't alright by the time they get to college. Often horror focuses on the teen experience. Sometimes they're just protagonists but usually horror becomes a metaphor for teen life. What are your faves?
#SpookySeason DAY 59: Possessions. One of the scariest concepts in horror is the idea that you won’t be you anymore. Taking a back seat to your own life and body. Whether it’s demons, ghosts, aliens, or... other things, what are your fave possession films?
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