(1,7) It took me a day to figure out how to respond to this. Yesterday, the current occupant of the White House defended a white supremacist teen with an AR 15 who went looking for conflict and committed murder. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-defends-kenosha-shooter-kyle-rittenhouse-003429384.html
(2,7) This was the inevitable and predictable escalation as the AR 15 has been the weapon of choice this year by White Supremacists to intimidate @MomsDemand and elected government officials.
(3,7) Today, I would like to say thank you to the current occupant of the White House. Thank you for bringing sunlight to your bullshit. With this defense, thank you for showing us clearly how you plan to divert America from almost 200,00 coronavirus deaths.
(4,7) Thank you for showing us your plan to divert attention from Russian bounties on troops, Russian attacks on troops, and your efforts to use Russia again to interfere with our election. Thank you for bringing sunlight to the reality that you seek to undermine our democracy.
(5,7) Thank you for bringing sunlight to the 2A bullshit that you use your bully pulpit for. Thank you for bringing sunlight to the reality that you will encourage violence against those you do not like.
(6,7) Thank you for bringing sunlight to how fragile our democracy is in the hands of the wrong person. Thank you for bringing sunlight to the need to always defend our democracy from tyrants, thugs, and dictators such as yourself.
(7,7) Thank you for bringing sunlight to what is at stake November 3rd and reinforcing how important it is to fire those who lie for you & enable you. Thank you for making the case for what is at stake & why we must vote to flip the Senate & for
to replace you.
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