Cravity got their first win only months after they debuted-,- that Produce series privilege. Meanwhile there are actually talented groups out there never got any 1 win until their 3rd year
But it's a fact tho, without Produce & X1 (and Starship that literally gave them cb a lot of cb stages) as their promotion tools, cravity won't get their first win in just 5 months. 150k for debut album. That's not normal
Should i mention groups that debuted in 2020???
BECZ, DKB, MCND, Woo!ah!, weeekly, Secret Number, E'Last, Redsquare, Cignature, etc. None got more than 20k sales (i don't hv to mention x1 solos cause they're obv selling a lot, and again... produce privilege)
Okay mom, i'm famous 😎
I mean, you can just ignore or report my tweet you know. Why bother rt-ing it? Promoting this egg acc? Lol
All these 400k RT-s and not any single one of you asked me to delete this nicely. You guys just love to bully people's opinion online. If you are shy, just hit me up on dm and ask me to delete this thread, nicely. I will delete this thread asap
Okay guys, i'm tired.
You did well defending Cravity tonight. I'm shocked that my hateful thread gained a lot of attention. I only made one tweet, until you guys came and defend them. I'm in shock. congratulations Cravity on your 1st win. God bless your privilege đŸ€
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