"I'm no rejecting you because I'm an a***hole, I'm doing it because I've judged you to be an a**hole before I've even met you, no I don't see the the problem with that, why do you ask?" https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1300065463121121280
can't help but notice the similarities in their rhetoric:

"Look what you made me do. This is all your fault." https://twitter.com/JuliusGoat/status/1300749488898875393?s=19
"I'm not doing this to you, you're doing this to yourself. This is just how the process works."

but of course, we're expected to believe the abuser and ignore all the evidence that speaks to how biased and warped the that process actually is. https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1300753630446809089?s=19
imagine thinking this somehow refutes my claim... https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1300755053595168775?s=19
saying two things are similar, is not saying they're the same.

refusing to say two things are similar because one is awful, is a sort of deliberate ignorance. https://twitter.com/ChrisPrattFanAx/status/1300755826676772866?s=19
just a thought... and this isn't Lo's fault, obviously... but it's probably not a good thing when fascists jump to your defense

why would putting your pronouns in your resume make you a hindrance for the company, Yushi?

please, take a moment to explain in your own words. https://twitter.com/YuriSheba/status/1300759813052399616?s=19
really, folks, why are Gamers™️?

if demographic data is stripped from the resume before it gets to the interviewer, then why does it matter if people put their pronouns in? https://twitter.com/KLuminess/status/1300757167381807105?s=19
we should also note that there are thousands (millions, probably) of employers in this nation alone.

they're not all using the exact same process. https://twitter.com/gayamain/status/1300738258624819205?s=19
absolutely promise y'all Yushi has never had a job. https://twitter.com/YuriSheba/status/1300760449198239744?s=19
I feel like a personal anecdote might help provide perspective on this...

1/ https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1300065463121121280?s=19
in 2013, I had just come back from a deployment. my circumstances were awkward, having moved twice in three years, recent college grad, no job except part-time for the Guard. it took me ten months to get a job and it was extremely frustrating, since I had a family to care for.
I worked with my network and colleagues. I applied at every job I could find. I accepted help from a hiring firm that specializes in placing Soldiers in the civilian workforce.

still took me ten months.

here's a piece of advice I was given:

if you have kids, remove your baby's car seat from your vehicle when you go for an interview. if an employer sees a car seat, they might think you're less reliable than someone without family obligations.

that might be true. I might have lost lots of jobs because I didn't follow that advice.

or... maybe...

maybe those jobs were with s****y employers. maybe I dodged a bullet by not exposing myself to a toxic work environment.

eventually I found my current job and, given my time with them, I'd say it was worth the effort. I work hard for them, they take care of me and my family, and I'm not literally afraid to be myself at work.

it'd be great if all employees operated this way.

but as @PandasAndVidya makes very clear, that's not the case.

how do we deal with that?

do we roll over and accept it? shrug our shoulders and go, "That's the way it is"?

do we capitulate and /not/ advocate for change, in the interest of... what, letting a******s keep their power and influence over us?

I honestly don't know the answer.

what I /do/ know is that I don't want to work for someone who thinks less of me because I have a family.

I imagine people would feel the same about an employer disregarding their gender or sexuality.

we should also note that change does not come about all at once, nor is it usually done without making waves.

and it always involves individual actions.

be the change you want to see.

p.s. @PandasAndVidya, since you have pronouns in your bio, I'm assuming you agree with that last sentiment.

might be nice if you apply it to other parts of your life.
I swear, it's the same joke time and again.

at least get some new material. https://twitter.com/p25_n/status/1300783297400680449?s=19
because equating the use of pronouns with a known child diddler is sooo much better than just being a hypocrite. 🙄 https://twitter.com/MistaBsmr/status/1300779394697322499?s=19
they never think things through, do they?
nice to see Lo isn't denying it... https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1300784726299602946?s=19
decent people: "Hey, maybe stop making 'jokes' at the expense of a person's individual struggles and suffering?"

these chuds: https://twitter.com/p25_n/status/1300784973792899088?s=19
... I mean, who am I to kink shame, right? https://twitter.com/p25_n/status/1300736859895558147?s=19
my favorite part of all the replies is how none of them are showing up in my mentions.

almost like there's a relationship between @PandasAndVidya and the kind of chudlets he inspires... 🤔
tell us, Gaunter, why do you think associating a known pedophile with "pronouns in the bio" is a joke?

what's so funny about identifying as a pedo, Gaunter? https://twitter.com/SmugChuckle/status/1300788124495360004?s=19
"why so mad?"

and yet here you are, responding. https://twitter.com/Scummyster/status/1300786936383184899?s=19
amazing how little social awareness these chuds have.

like a dog licking its butthole in public...
"iT's JuSt A jOkE!!?!"

assuming we even accept that claim ~ which is a big stretch ~ it's still putting pedophilia on the same level as identifying your pronouns. https://twitter.com/BirchVon/status/1300786770066505731?s=19
oh, the irony...
still not getting notified when the chuds respond to this thread.
apparently Gaunter can't read, either.

truly, I am shocked

my, my. look at all these replies... proving my point.

good job, guys. good job.
imagine believing this while literal Nazis attack citizens in the streets...

... you don't know what words mean, do you?

not gonna lie, I'm a bit fascinated by this.

like... does he think Twitter is how I act at work?

and wouldn't his bio suggest he'd generally be against Lo's argument?

why is this so important to you, Clay?

you responded to me. you could have walked away but you didn't. clearly, you're offended that I have an opinion on the topic.

why is that?

it will never not be fascinating to me how easily fascists and their enablers gravitate toward the online gaming community... https://twitter.com/dastardliest/status/1300829094884540422?s=19
same energy

then why the f*** are you here? https://twitter.com/SoranIsOn/status/1300946640463749120?s=19
the absolute arrogant gall of these chuds, I swear... https://twitter.com/SoranIsOn/status/1300946640463749120?s=19
by the way, Soran, this isn't an invitation.

you can f*** off now. https://twitter.com/SoranIsOn/status/1300946640463749120?s=19
of course, the reason @SoranIsOn is here, is to suck @PandasAndVidya's dick.

which, you know... no kink shame, all good if that's your thing
serious question: how long does Rabbit take to write a tweet?

I've done, like, a hundred things today, including dunking on these chudlets. https://twitter.com/Badluckrabbit/status/1300948471877263360?s=19
me: you can tweet and do other things at the same time, it's not that difficult.

Rabbit: NUH-UH!!! https://twitter.com/Badluckrabbit/status/1300955296387362817?s=19
/STILL/ not seeing these chuds in my @'s and I gotta say, for once Twitter's quality filter is doing what it's supposed to do, good job.
and yet, here you are https://twitter.com/Llawlietuwu/status/1300807419283550208?s=19
really quality folk you got following you, @PandasAndVidya. feeling absolutely ""destroyed"" right about now.
says the chud who lied about working for Bethesda https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1301355147910672384?s=19
well then... this certainly seems on brand for his sort of chudliness. https://twitter.com/the_nerd_skull/status/1301357122601410563?s=19
it true https://twitter.com/TheodoreHusky/status/1301329736002605062?s=19
blocking chuds and chudlets?

yes. https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1301367732605267970?s=19
this is especially precious coming from the dude who self-identifies as a pedophile "for the lulz" https://twitter.com/PandasAndVidya/status/1301369224229777412?s=19
you're right, I forgot you can't read.

this is the quality of the chuds responding, folks: endorsement of Conceptual James himself.

and OJ didn't murder his wife, sure, let's go with that. https://twitter.com/TLGDoesThings/status/1301374228189646853?s=19
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