So it begins!!! Today starts my 10th year as a #PhysEd teacher and the journey has been nothing short of amazing and I can’t wait to see where it goes from here. In honor of my 10yrs I want to share #ADecadeofThanks to recognize those who helped me along the way!
Thanking a fellow HPE teacher every school day may not be easy as we all know school years can get crazy but it’s the least I can do for all of you who have been an asset to me when it felt like I might have had none! If your reading this Thank You!
The first person I want to thank doesn’t have Twitter and she will always be my favorite Teacher!! My wife continues to amaze me every year with the things she has done and still does for her Ss. Plus she’s willing to help me and keep my crazy ideas in check! #ADecadeofThanks
Thank you to @physedreview for all of the amazing contributions you have made to the world of #PhysEd and my program specifically. From the running program to your Super 7's, you were the first person I followed on Twitter and a tremendous asset along the way! #ADecadeofThanks
Thank you to @BigTennPhysEd for the many conversations, motivational quotes, and assistance over the last couple years. You have helped me find the person and teacher that I was meant to be even when I didn't see it in myself, and for that I am grateful!! #ADecadeofThanks
A special thank you to my former and first principal and current principal of @Pfeiffer_APS for giving me my start 10 years ago and showing me how to teach and lead with passion and heart!! Still remember and miss some of those conversations!! #ADecadeofThanks
Big thanks to @PE4everykid and all the high-quality content you create and share for the #PhysEd world to use! Was an honor to meet you in person last year and I appreciate the conversations we’ve had in the past as well. #ADecadeofThanks
Thank you @PhysEdDepot for all the amazing content you create & share. The self-guided progressions and Youtube Fitness videos have been great additions to my #PhysEd programs over the years. Being a central location for a variety of #plagnet info is great too! #ADecadeofThanks
Want to give a big shoutout to @smsandino who I learned how to make a GIF from at #SHAPENashville and my tech skills have only gone up exponentially from then. What a huge spark that has been to my #PhysEd program!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with others! #ADecadeofThanks
Following up with learning to make a GIF, I met @LynnHefele and made my first GIF with her and I thank her for the tech-based content she has created and shared with the #PhysEd world. Your creations have helped so much over the years and continue to do so. #ADecadeofThanks
Thank you @Mr_C_PE for the wide variety of content you have created and shared over the years that has found its way into my classroom. Not only have I enjoyed being able to use those resources, but the kids enjoy them too. #ADecadeofThanks
Thank you @MsPhysEduDP for all the support and chats over the summer. They have guided me to some professional revelations that were long overdue!! Plus our weekly chats are a great breath of fresh air to help find that groove. Someday we will meet in person! #ADecadeofThanks
A Huge Kudos goes out to @MrSpringPE for all of the high quality content you have shared over the years. These ideas have found there way into my classroom as well as inspired me to adapt them to fit my classes. Thanks for all you do for the #PhysEd community. #ADecadeofThanks
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